Chapter 13 You Walked Away

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I had to go down to the station on a Saturday morning. Calum and Michael helped me walk, I was having trouble even standing let alone moving.

I had to stand alone when the investigating office took pictures of my bust lip from when Harrison had slammed me against the wall. The scratched on my cheeks from where he had forced his hand over my mouth. The bruising on my back from where he pinned me. Everything. I had to have DNA testing done. They said that I had bruising which suggested un-consensual sex.

They said that they had to call Ellie and James but the only person I wanted was Luke.

"ASHTON?!" Ellie screamed when she saw me. Oh God. How was I going to tell her...tell her that I was raped? She was going to ask where Luke was and I was going to have to say that he just walked away and let it happen. He may not have known what was happening but he still walked away.

Her and James were at my side, I had never seen them move so fast. It was nice to know they were worried, it was bad that I was getting attached to them emotionally. They both pulled me into a deep hug. Calum walked over awkwardly and cleared his throat.

"Calum what're you doing here? Why are either of you here what's going on?" James enquired. That's when I broke, I let the tears fall, I promised myself I wouldn't cry again. Ellie snaked her arms around me but I flinched away when I felt her hand on my back.

"Something happened this morning and it's bad..." Calum began. Everyone's eyes were suddenly on him.

"...No one was awake at the time. So no one heard Ash's screams. No one heard him being raaped" Calum choked out, I could tell he was trying to blame himself for this and I didn't want that. No one was to blame apart from Harrison Grace. The image of him smirking at me will be forever burned into my brain. The boy who forcefully stole my virginity and a piece of me.

Ellie started sobbing. James tried to console her and me at the same time. I just sat there with puffy eyes and tear stains down my cheek. Even hearing the word for what he did for me made me feel numb. Ellie finally looked up with death in her eyes. "Was it Luke. If it was I'll kill him and they won't find the body. There won't be enough left to find" she spat.

"It wasn't Luke. Luke had no idea what was going on" I mumbled to them all. That was the truth. Luke had no idea what was going on. Calum and Michael had brought me straight here and neither had their phones with them.

It seemed Shakespearian that the best night of my life was replaced with the worst day of my life. It could even be a greek tragedy? Or the plot for a new Taylor Swift song?

"Then who was it? I'll kill 'em" James growled. I admired their willingness to protect me, but all I needed now was Luke. He still thinks I cheated on him, not that we were actually together. Suddenly replaced with the urge to glide a small metal object across my upper arm. Last time resulted in me wearing a sling for a day while the cut stopped bleeding constantly.

"I need to go to the bathroom" I mumbled to everyone. They all nodded at me and I limped to the bathroom. Locked myself in a cubicle and removed my emergency razor from my wallet. Three cuts. Very precise.

When I returned they were all quietly plotting how best to dispose of Harrison's body. They didn't need to do anything, 'cause God help him when Luke finds out.


I decided that I wanted to go to school the following Monday. I had spent all weekend curled up in a dark room. My thoughts the only thing that haunted me. And the memories.

My pain lasted ten minutes before he finished without wearing a condom, zipped up, threw me to the floor and left.

I shook my head to get rid of the thoughts. James had drove me to school and was quiet the whole time. He was completely against me going back to school, I heard him and Ellie arguing about it last night. And they never argued. I somehow felt that it was my fault. "Be careful out there today. Calum and Michael are going to be with you all day" James explained. I could tell he was upset about me going back because he wasn't his usual joyful self and he didn't even look at me. I leant over and hugged him, which took him by surprise as well as me.

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