Chapter 6 Catch Me

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I allowed myself to be flung around in rhythm to Pink's 'So What'. Luke was panting crazily, he looked on the verge of a breakdown from exhaustion.

"I thought you were supposed to be a footballer?" I laughed when we took a break for water. I was sweaty that's for sure. I didn't mind though, I was only in a tattered loose tee, sweat pants and converse. Luke was in sweat shorts, a tank top and some trainers which looked like they had seen better days.

He collapsed onto the bench and tried to slow down his breathing, "You're a lot heavier than a ball" he managed to breath with a sneaky smirk. You had to admire his efforts, he was genuinely trying. And of course I got to admire his sweaty body glistening in the studio lights...dammit Ashton stay focused, don't fall for the douchebag.

It took me a few seconds to process what he said, "Hey did you just call me fat?" I asked. He may not have said it directly but he still said it. If he meant it that way I hoped he would mind my fist connecting with his face.

"Yup. In a good way though, as in if you were lighter than a football I would worried" he replied over his panting. It's weird to think that he would worry about anyone other than himself. He was Luke Hemmings for christ sakes. I had heard rumours about his selfish attitude. And then the rest of the rumours about his many sexual encounters. Someone even said he had like twenty illegitimate children somewhere, that was a far stretch to believe, not entirely unbelievable though. I blushed slightly when I realised he said he would worry over me.

"Y-you w-would?" I asked in shock and disbelief. He flashed his pearly white smile at me while he towel dried himself.

"Of course I would. You're one of my only genuine...friends" he stated. He had trouble saying the word friend. I guess that was because he didn't have a lot of real friends. Only wannabes trying to get a piece of the popularity.

I didn't really want to focus on Luke's problems right now though, I had my own to deal with. Like the dance we were still nowhere near finishing. Wait...that was his problem as well, never mind. "Ready to go again?" I asked eagerly. He looked about ready to kill me for my energetic attitude.

He sighed and got to his feet.

"Let's do this" he laughed, 'Fancy' by Iggy Azalea and Charlie XCX started blaring out of the speaker system and we started dancing again, we decided that I should probably be the lead because of my experience and Luke should just be led. Our dance so far was classic dance meet some more modern dance movements. Like I had this move where I sprung out from the tango and did a back arch which lead to a backflip. We also got higher grades for incorporating different dance styles. And after seeing Luke dancing, we needed all the help we could get.

"I just think it needs to have more sex appeal" I explained after we had once again finished it. Luke's face blushed.

"Ash I don't do sexy dancing. Let alone the fact that guys don't do sexy dancing" Luke laughed, he fell back on the bench he was that tired.

"You don't think guys can be sexy?" I asked.

He froze and looked at me weirdly, "Do you?" he asked. Of course, just look at the way that Michael Jackson danced, or Usher, hell even Justin Bieber. Their dancing told a story to a song, that is extremely sexy.

"I'll show you" I decided, this probably wasn't my brightest idea in the world but he needed to be educated in the etiquettes of sexual dancing, and I ain't just talking about some fat ass hoe twerking on stage. I chose 'Partition' by Beyoncé for my song.

I let the music guide my body, every sway, every dip, every way my hand traced my body. I saw a lump form in Luke's throat, his eyes never left my body though.

The song ended pretty quickly and Luke rushed out of the studio, "I'll see you whenever then I guess" I shouted after him. He didn't respond though. Rude.


I had no idea what had gone on before with Luke but I was hanging with Michael now so I could bitch about Luke to him basically. "So he just ran out?" Michael asked with a confused face.

"Yup" I sighed. I let the sweet sounds of Ariana Grande cast away my worries. Girl had a killer voice.

Michael suddenly looked like he had a bright idea, I wish we were cartoons because when we got bright ideas we'd get light bulbs over our heads. Well I think it'd be pretty cool.

"What were you doing before hand?" Michael enquired. It was kind of embarrassing what I was doing before hand.

"I was doing a little sexy dance to 'Partition'" I mumbled quietly, hoping that he didn't actually hear. By the way he fell off the bed laughing I kind of guessed that he did hear. Seconds later his head popped up from behind the bed frame.

"Do you think he may know...reacted to the way you were dancing?" Michael suggested awkwardly.

My face blushed, I could feel it. No. There's no way. We're talking about Luke Hemmings here, head jock, king of whore even. But I could say with no hesitation that Luke Hemmings was not gay. And even if he was why would I turn him on.

"Hey guys what's the gossip?" Ellie enquired when she burst into my room. Oh God Michael please don't tell her? I shot him a warning look, he chose to ignore it though.

"Ashton may have made Luke horny" Michael explained, this time with no embarrassment in his voice. Ellie screamed and dived on me.

"Oh my boy making a boy want what he's got...for the first time. Did you use the condoms I gave you? I don't want you getting pregnant or something" Ellie explained with a motherly glance. I'm not even gonna talk about that fact she thought I could get pregnant. Her and Michael started talking about planning the wedding and what hair colour he would have.

"We didn't have sex" I shouted over the top of them both.

Ellie's face cracked into a frown, "Why not?"

"Because he doesn't like me"

"Do you like him?"

"No? Maybe? I don't know? It doesn't matter he's screwing Taylor and God knows how many other skanks"

"Oh honey. If you want Luke. You're gonna have to fight for him" Ellie explained. It was weird talking about this. Sure I had thought about it in my head, but now that I had talked about it with someone it just seemed like everything fit.

I liked Luke.

And I was gonna have to fight to make him mine.

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