Chapter 40 #TeamLuke #TeamRyder

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Hey guys Ridley here just letting you guys know that we've reach 1000 votes and a new story that will be happening soon. So I though the last chapter was kind of funny because happy and singing and stuff. I thought I would do the last chapter before the weird sexy weirdness of the end of this chapter. I'm sorry, my friend read this story and suggested the end to this chapter and I just can't get the idea out of my mind. It get's kinda kinky.



I felt like a piece of meat walking into school these days, everyone was talking about me in one way or another. It was either talking about mine and Kiera's sex tape that we were both drunk when we made it. Or it was about the fact that Ashton still had to choose between me and Ryder. I'm not trying to sound impatient but it was the last week before Christmas and me and Ryder had been on our heels for two months. I know we had just finished our SATs and that everyone had been distracted but come on two months to make a decision.

Everything was on Ashton's terms and not that I didn't like the thought of Ashton choosing me over Ryder but that gave him all of the power and I was a really bad without the power in anything. Hence my liking for being the top in my relationship. I was uncomfortable not having the power and that was just how I felt about the whole thing. So I decided to be on Ashton like peanut butter all over toast...or Vegemite in fact. Um food, great now I'm hungry just when I'm about to go and start hitting on my boyfriend...or soon to be boyfriend again.

I wandered up to Ashton's locker and luckily enough he didn't have Ryder hanging off of him yet so I had my opening. He hadn't seen me so I had some time to admire him from behind a little as well. The way that his jeans clung to the outline of his butt, it was so tempting just to lay my hands on it. The way his hourglass like figure was hidden by the bagginess of his tee shirt he was wearing. The way his bandana held all his hair back out of his face. He once told me that I was flawless when I was feeling insecure now I got to see what the true definition of flawless was standing in front of me picking out his books for Biology third period. "Hey babe" I delightfully shouted, maybe a little too loud because his head shot up and hit the top of his locker.

The next thing I knew we were in the nurses office with Ashton getting stitches in the cut on his scalp. It wasn't bad enough for him to go to hospital thank god but it was bad enough to need stitches. Ashton was currently glaring down while clasping onto my hand. Neither of us really liked needle, especially when they were being used on us even when we were numbed. It had finally happened, my flirting was finally strong enough that he had to go into hospital. Imagine what'll happen when we have sex again for the first time, okay maybe not if just flirting freaks him out that much that he almost splits his scalp open. "Again I'm so sorry" I mumbled quietly to Ashton. He looked all too ready to leather me back and forth down these hallways.

"And again I'm going to say it wasn't your fault...I'm just accident prone; we already knew all of that" he explained with a very noticeable eye roll to accompany his statement. I think everyone at school was able to say that they knew that Ashton was more than accident prone. Knowing his luck he could open a door and have a whole building collapse around him. But he always pulled through and that was one of the things that amazed me, no matter what was thrown at him he always bounced back. He was my indestructible everything.

"Well you're only accident prone when you're around me so I'm taking that as some cosmic sign that it is my almost split your head open on a locker designed not to split stuff when you hit it" I mumbled incoherently. My subtle attempts to make him feel better were masked with my fear of him having permanent brain damage. Or if he woke up amnesia or something, I wouldn't mind it if he forgot all about Ryder but not me because that will be really really bad. Maybe I could just convince him while he is discombobulated that he's in love with me and not Ryder.

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