13|She Felt Familiar [21D]

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"How are you feeling Amy?" The man in the white labcoat asked.

"Better," Amy said with a smile, but they both new that wasn't true.

"I'm happy you came back, I was starting to think you would say checkups weren't necessary anymore."

Amy's mother sighed from the seat beside her, "doctor, how is the research going?"

The doctor sighed, taking off his glasses and placing it on the hard wooden table.

"Believe me, we are doing all we can."

"We believe you doctor, but for how long? She's loosing days-"

"Mom, you're pressuring him," Amy interjected, glaring at her mom.

The mother knew she was right and that made her keep silent.

She was scared, she didn't want to loose her daughter. But what mother would?

She wanted everything done quick, all this waiting was killing her, and literally for Amy.

"Come Amy, let's give you a quick check up," the doctor said to Amy softly.

Amy hated that she had to come for these checkups every three days. It kept reminding her of the state she was in, and the lies she was telling all her friends.

She knew she had to get used to it though.

She gave her mum one last look as she followed the doctor out of the room.

Here we go again, she thought.

She felt familiar.


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Elizi ❤️

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