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Plot: You have a nightmare and he comforts you afterwards

(Y/N) POV:

I was standing on ravenhill watching Fili getting killed by Azog the defiler. I felt the tears pouring at the corner of my eyes and an ache spreading into my heart.

Then the scene changed and I was confronted with the next heart tearing scene. Kili was laying on the staircase in front of and bolg was ramming his sword into his chest. And again tears were streaming down my face.

Then everything began to be all blurry again and the next scene was played. I saw myself running and shouting Thorin's name. I ran down ravenhill to an iced surface and on that surface I saw Thorin fighting against azog.

I tried to run towards them but I couldn't. It felt like I was being held back by a much greater power. And then it happened. Azog rammed his sword into Thorin's chest and Thorin his sword into Azogs chest. Killing him immediately.

Thorin pushed Azog off of him. Stood up and looked towards me a shocked expression visible on his handsome face contorted into an expression of pain. Then he fell down to his knees and only then I felt myself running towards him as if the power had set me free.

But before he hit his head I reached him and he fell with his head into my lap. And again tears were stinging my eyes. He looked up at me with a smile on his face. Then Thorin gently lifted his hand towards my face and onto my cheek, wiping the tears away.

" i'm so sorry my love, I shouldn't have doubted you in the first place. And now that I'm going to die I don't have to feel worse anymore, now that I could apologize" he said, shocking me and letting more tears stream down my face. " There's nothing to forgive my love, I would've always loved you and I always will, but please stay strong. You will make it. Look, look there are the eagles. T-thorin" I whispered.

But I didn't hear him breath anymore and his chest didn't rise and fell anymore. I put my head onto his chest letting out a heartbreaking scream as I felt someone shaking me.

End of dream:

I rose up and sat upright in the bed looking beside me I saw Thorin looking at me with a worried expression shown on his handsome face. I lifted my hand just to feel if he was real. And he was.

" My love are you okay" he asked looking me up and down and placing his hands on my shoulders gently. I couldn't talk so I just shook my head no.

" Do you wanna talk about it then" he asked again sighing quietly as I shook my head no again. Tears were still streaming down my face. He gently pulled me into his chest and I grabbed onto him for dear life while I was still crying.

I looked up at him with red stained cheeks and red eyes stroking his cheek leaning up and whispered into his ear " I had THE nightmare again" " my love, it is over now and we're all alive"

He whispered gently into my ears and pulled me even closer. He laid back down with me still clutching onto him and my head resting on his chest. He began stroking my back up and down until my eyes fluttered close.

He kissed me on the forehead on last time whispering " I love you my amramlimé" Into my ear before drifting of to sleep himself.


Soooo my lovely little hobbits this is my first hobbit imagine book and I hope you enjoy it.

Lots love Jana xxxx

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