Bard request

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This imagine was requested by @allisontart
And I hope everyone enjoys reading, doing my best to make this imagine worth reading, so have fun :)))

Aurelia's POV:

So for beginners my name is Aurelia and this is my life in middle earth, but maybe I should introduce myself properly at first.

I'm human and I am 25 years old. I have grayish blue eyes and raven black hair which falls in long curls over my back and ends at the beginning of my hip. I don't have family anymore, my parents died long ago and now I live with my childhood best friend Bard and his three children who I love dearly. I come from laketwon and I still live there and always have.

Laketown has been a beautiful city once and people liked coming here. We once had a great leader but not since a while, since the new master is ruling over these lands a lot has changed. Like the town is always stinking and nobody does care. We have almost no money to life whilst the master does have all of our money and spends it on anything he want. The trade had almost stopped and just nothing is the same like it was years ago.

Bard's wife had just died not long ago due to an infection which rounds whole laketown and already did kill a lot of our kin, nothing could be done against this infection, not even good healers could do anything against this sickness. However he needed a lot of help with his three children. They still were so young and now losing their mother doesn't help at all.

Something doing that time of my life did change everything. I fell for my best friend which is really stupid because he is still suffering from that death of his beloved wife. I'm with them everyday, I cook their meals and try to cheer Bard up and be something like a motherly person or only a big sister to Bain, Sigrid and Tilda as they need a Woman in their life as well.

But I have developed feelings for my old childhood friend which isn't really helping our situation at all. I mean I had crush before on him but never told him, thinking it to be necessary as he already had his wife and I didn't want to be in their way or make things more complicated. Thinking about it now things already were complicated so why not make it any more complicated?

Well even if I did it would change nothing at all that Bard doesn't return my feelings in the slightest way for his wife's death still sticking in his bones. He really loved her, even a blind person would see that. But that particular day should change everyone's lives.

The day the company of thirteen Dwarves came into our town was probably the most chaotic day in a while. At that point I was in the Kitchen like part of the house and was preparing dinner while Sigrid and Tilda were helping me, the three of us giggling at each other as Bard came into the house with Bain trailing behind him.

Both somehow looked stress and in my mind was already forming the question as to why my two boys looked so stressed. Sigrid and Tilda ran to their father and hugged him tight as Tilda spoke to her father " Da where have you been?" While Sigrid exclaims " father there you are, I have been so worried!" Bard smiled at his daughters before his eyes fell on me and he came to me and kissing me on the cheek like he always had done.

I smiled back at him and grabbed his hand giving it a slight squeeze before turning back to the stove and back to cooking while Bard turned to the window to have a look at the spies who were waiting in front of our house, before telling Bain " get them in".

Bain nodded and ran downstairs to obviously get someone. Finishing dinner I turn around just in time to see dwarves entering our house. Sigrid asked " why are there dwarves coming out of our toilet?" While Tilda exclaims excitedly " do they bring us luck?" Hearing that made me laugh and hug Tilda to my waist. She smiles up at me and wraps her arms around my waist.

There were Three especially tall dwarves, well taller as the average dwarf and one was sticking out the most. He looked different from the others, kind of majestic which kind of makes him look more handsome than he already seemed to be. He had his eyes on me as well before giving me a short bow, which I return with a small smile. The other dwarves looked at him surprised. Well probably something he doesn't do often, before the majestic dwarf addresses me.

" My lady, is it possible to get us some dry clothes" I nodded at him smiling while gathering Sigrid and Tilda before walking into Bards room to get those poor freezing looking dwarves warm clothes, while Bard and Bain talk to the dwarves which ended in Bard storming out the house after telling Bain to not let the dwarves go.

Sighing quietly the girls and I bring out clothes for the dwarves while I went to looking for Bard. But as I went out of the house and walking around the market someone came across my way i didn't want to see at all. Alfrid turned and his eyes were on me following my every move which made me feel uncomfortable. Still looking for Bard I tried to make my way past Alfrid but he grabbed my arm and began talking, showing off his disgusting yellowish teeth.

" who are you looking for beautiful woman" " nothing which has to concern you, bastard" I replied as I tried to get my arm free. But he had an iron grip on my arm " why using such words my lady" he tried again, making me want puke him right in the face. " like I said, nothing which has to concern you".

This time someone seemed to hear me as I felt a presence behind me and someone had his hands on my waist, I looked back to see Bard with a hardened and blank expression. He pulled me into his side making Alfrid's grip loosening on my arm until he let go all the way, looking kind of scared at Bard. He then turned around and ran away, probably to his master to tell some lies again.

I hear Bard sigh quietly before he looked down at me and pulled me into a kind of secluded area before scolding me " what are you doing here? You know you should've stayed with the others" he went with his hand through his hair making me bite my lip before replying " yes I know and I am sorry Bard but I was worried so I went looking for you" he sighed and nodded before looking into my eyes deeply making me swallow hard.

He leaned in and his lips came closer and closer to mine as our lips touched into a somewhat soft, passionate yet insecure kiss. I kissed him back as I wrapped my arms around his neck. After a while he pulled away and rested his forehead against mine, whispering " I should've done that long ago " I bite my lip and look up at him " you have no idea how long I've been waiting for this to happen Bard, but what about your wife?"

He looked down at me smiling slightly " she would be happy for the both of us, she told me to look after you and to be happy again, even if it seemed nearly impossible 5 months ago, but not anymore, Aurelia I love you and I have done for quite a while now, I guess and the way you act with my children, I couldn't ask for someone better. They love you and you love them and I love you"

He stuttered. I smiled softly and stopped his rambling with a soft kiss. He looked down at me, smiling as well and this smile turned brighter at my following words " I love you too Bard, so much". He grabbed my hand and together we went home hand in hand and big smiles on our way, not knowing that these smiles were soon gone, for a while.

I know it took me long to write this and I'm sorry but I have been busy with school and I hope from now on it is going a little easier. But pls enjoy reading this and like always I'd be grateful for ideas and if something doesn't seem logical :) xx

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