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Miira's POV:

Hello my name is Miira and I am half dwarf half hobbit. Even though I am a dwarf I do not have any facial or body hair, but I do have little hairs on my big feet.

I'm not very tall for a half dwarf. I'm way smaller than the average dwarf but a little taller than the average hobbit. I'm 15 years old and I live with my three brothers and my father on a farm near Erebor.

My best friend is Dís younger sister of the princes Thorin and Frérin. Daughter of Thraín. And I'm gonna tell you a little secret nobody knows but Dís who fancies this. I'm in love with Thorin even though I know it will never happen him and I. Well that's what I thought.

One day I was wandering around the markets in dale. I wanted to buy a birthday present for my best friend Dís who would have her birthday in a weeks time from today on.

She loved everything which had to do with fashion. She even was a little spoiled, being her fathers and brothers little princess. Sometimes I whished I had such a strong bond with my brothers.

Sure I loved them and all but we weren't that close. While my brothers were outside learning to fight with my father I was doing the household which I learned from my mother. Means cooking, cleaning, being on the field.

I wanted to learn how to fight as well. Wanted to learn how I could defend myself if something were about to happen. Anyway back to the birthday present. I was searching for something when someone ran past me and knocked me to the floor.

Cursing I tried to stand up when I saw a hand appearing in front of me. Sighing quietly I took the hand and let myself being pulled up by this stranger. But as I wanted to thank the person in front of me the smile on my face froze.

In front of me was standing Thorin with a somewhat stern look which held a little mischief in it. But the stern look turned into a soft look and he gave me smirk. I blushed furiously and made a curtsy.

Thorin just shook his head and softly pulled me up by my chin. " you don't have to curtsy in front of me. You're my sisters best friend" he said to me. And of course my heart sunk at his words but it didn't stop my heart from beating heavily inside my chest as he spoke.

His voice made me weak in the knees. So I just nodded quickly. But his words kept repeating themselves in my head again and again ' you're my sisters best friend '. Hearing these words from him hurted me more than everything else would have.

I just looked at him and he quickly put his stoic expression back on his face as others came walking towards us and he went forwards before giving me a sign to follow him. With my head hung low I followed him. I still had no presents for Dís and her birthday was in a weeks time already!

And I had plenty to do before that. I probably would have to sneak out tomorrow to buy that gift for her or else I would be a bad friend. Even if that means getting yelled at by my brothers. And that I really had not enough gold to buy an expensive present.

Back at Erebor Thorin walked me to Dís chambers where she is with her mother. We stopped in front of the chambers doors and I turned to him giving him a short curtsy and whispering under my breath " thank you for walking me here, your Majesty " and quickly hiding inside the chambers.

Whilst Thorin still stood in front of the chambers and looked surprised at why I have disappeared so quickly. But then he shook his head and walked away to talk with Balin about something important.

Dís must've heard me because she called out " Miira is that you?" I took a deep breath before responding " yes, yes Dís it is me" and walked into her bed chambers to see her sitting on the bed with her mother behind her doing her hair.

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