Legolas request

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This request is for IrisCyber and I hope you enjoy imagine :)))))


Eira's POV:

Hello everybody I would like to introduce myself before I tell you my story.

My name is Eira and I am a wyr. I look like human but my raven coloured hair which went to my shoulder and my ice blue eyes were the most striking thing about me. My skin is pale, as pale as the moon I would say, which in fact got many men attracted to me which was more of a bad thing than a good one.

Until now no man had caught my eye, but being the princess of my people I had to marry, if I wanted to or not did not matter. But maybe luck was on my side for once. Though we will see about that. Everything was good until that one day. That day that would change my life forever.

It has been a wonderful day so far. I was out in the woods with the guards, being captain of the guards was only a plus for me, so I could go outside whenever I wanted and hunt down orcs and other filthy beings.

My father was proud of me but my mother did not like me running off into the forest, killing beasts and getting myself all dirty. She believed in all that lady stuff and for her me being a princess should teach me to be a real lady and under her eyes I had to learn all that stuff.

It was not particularly bad to know how to behave properly like a princess but I wanted to be free and that's why I made the decision to run off and live my life. I did not want to be part of the royal living anymore. I would rather live all alone in the forest than in that palace where I can not be free.

As soon as day turned into night, I took everything I had and needed for this journey with me. My long bow with my quiver and arrows were always with me just like my favourite pair of daggers which my father had gifted me to my 2000th birthday. Remembering that a smile stole itself onto my face.

And one special and important thing which shouldn't be left out, my long sword which had served me well all those years I already had it. With my weapons and everything else strapped to my sattle, I took my horse and led it outside. I climbed into the sattle and stroked through her wild white mane.

She threw her head back and made a affectionate sound which made me grin. By the way her name was Elanor, she is named after the flower called Sonnenstern. Elanor and I went through a lot and she was always there for me through thick and thin, my best friend.

I gave her the sign to gallope and then we rode out into the forest. I took one last glance at the place where I grew up but wouldn't return to for a while. It did hurt to leave everything behin especially father but it was a great relief to finally be me and nothing will stop me.

I didn't know how long we have been riding around but it already must have been a few hours. The sun was setting already when we made our first stop. Elanor was exhausted and so was I. We never rode out that long so it was new to us. But we definitely would get used to it.

I carefully began to set up camp and let Elanor free so she could find herself something to eat and drink, somewhere nearby, when I heard some movement in the trees, with my sharp elven ears.

I took a careful glance upwards so the thing that was watching us would not notice, I also drew my dagger secretly before I called out " whoever there is, I demand for to show yourself, unarmed of course."

What shocked me the most at that moment was the presence behind me. ' How could I miss this' I scolded myself. Then I slwoly and carefully turned around, only to be met with a strong, wide chest, which made me blush, yet I still held up my dagger and pointed it at the man in front of me.

He shot me a courious glance while I shot him an glare. He let out a soft chuckle before he began to talk " my name is, Legolas and you are?" His soft velvety voice made my knees go weak and I looked him up and down sceptically.

He seemed to be an elf life me, yet he kind of seemed familiar as well as if I had already seen him somewhere. But it did not occur to me who that person was. He had something on him that drew me to him and made me trust him. I did not know if it was his voice or that deep blue of his eyes.

Eyes that shone like diamonds and hair so beautiful and gracious it made me almost swoon yet I controlled my body and I answered him while a soft shiver went through my whole body. " My name is Eira and I am just travelling through the forest, no specific place I want to be" I stuttered out and a blush crept onto my cheeks.

' Damn you!' I thought to myself ' you could not make a fool of you any more, could you?' I scolded myself silently. Legolas just studied me a little bit more before a smile appeared on his beautiful thin lips. Lips so kissable. ' No Eira! Stop. You will not fall for someone you don't know.'

I did not know where all these thoughts were coming from. Yet I couldn't help myself and drowned in those blue eyes which seemed to still muster me curiously. ' If he seemed to feel the same, I do?' I asked no one in particular.

Legolas gently held out his hand for me to take. Hesitantly I took his hand and he pulled me against him before he slightly leaned down and whispered into my ear " you seem familiar to me, yet I do not know where to put this. Nobody ever made me feel like you do right now, Eira."

His words made me blush and I gave a curt nod before I hesitantly hid my face in his chest. He noted that with a chuckle which rumbled through his chest and made goosebumps rise on my skin. Nobody had ever made me feel this way, it was totally new to me, yet I quite liked it. A soft smile played at my lips and I looked up at him only to see Legolas only smilimg down at me before he cupped my cheeks.

Only then I seemed to wake up from a dream, and slightly stepped away from him and told him " My horse Elanor is still somewhere here. " He seemed to understand for he whistled softly and Elanor came back and stood at his side. I shoot them a sceptical look as she petted her gently.

' Well could not get any more weird could it?' I asked myself before Legolas showed me to follow him. Then he said with a soft voice " follow me, my lady Eira. I will show you to the woodland realm. Kingdom of my father" then it struck me.

This was prince Legolas. Then I felt quite nauseous and black dots appeared in front of my eyes and I fell unconscious...


My dear hobbits!
Soooo here is a new chapter, I hope you like it! So sorry it took me so long :( but here it is. If you want a second part just message me (: .
Likes, commis, and advises are always welcomed!

Lots of love Jana xxxx

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