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Plot: you are best friends with Fili and Kili and you fall in love with Thorin

Today was just like any other day in Ered luin. But let me introduce myself first. My name is Miira. I'm the best friend of the two dwarven princes' Fili and Kili. Nephews of our king Thorin Oakenshield.

I have long straight brown hair, brown eyes with a light green strike. But I don't look exactly like the other dwarves around here. I don't have a beard and I'm way smaller than other but not less strong.

That may be because I'm half hobbit. My Mother was a Hobbit and my father was a dwarf. Both of them died in the battle of moria. Back then I was 12 now I am 35. I was an orphan but Dís took me under her wing.

I have lived with them for quite a while now and my feelings for a certain dwarf grew with every passing day. I think I don't have to tell you who that dwarf is.

Anyway today I was out with Fili and Kili training with swords and my swöf crafted bow and arrow. Fili and I were training with our swords and Kili with his bow.

As Fili had tackled me down to the floor he stood up and helped me up as well. At that moment Thorin walked by nodding at us and walking back home.

I must've stared after him because Fili smirked and elbowed me into the side. A blush crept itself onto my cheeks and I looked down slightly embarrassed. Fili knew I had feelings for his uncle.

He once had caught me staring at his uncle and thought he had to get everything out of me. So I told him everything but Kili still didn't seem to know.

Fili came close put his hand on my shoulder and whispered in my ear " I have an idea how you could find out if he feels the same way you do".

I looked up at him, face twisted in shock. " he doesn't feel the same and he never will, I'm too young and he only sees me as the best friend of his nephews " I say sadly looking back down as tears pull at the corner of my eyes.

It hurts to know that the one you loved will never love you the way you loved them. Now Kili was also standing beside me giving me a sympathetic smile but also saying " how do you know this? Have you asked him?" " no of course I haven't, I just know it" I half yelled.

Now tears were really falling down my face. This time Fili said " no you don't know it, you haven't asked him and you didn't seem to notice his stares either " now it was time for me to look shocked.

Thorin has stared at me. I felt a small smile forming on my lips and I fell into Fili's arms full of joy kissing his cheek repeatedly. Then I whispered into Fili's ear " I'm in, what's that plan of yours? ".

Fili told me his plan but I was sceptic. 'This could never work out', I thought to myself. But I did it anyway. To start our plan Fili rubbed red berries into my face and the back of my head.

Then I laid down arms crossed over my chest slowing down my breath while Fili and Kili were running back to their home to get Thorin.

I already heard them arriving and I made my breath slow down even more so he would think I was dead. They came running and Thorin fell to his knees beside me, leaning his head to my chest to feel if I was still breathing.

But then he saw the " blood" on my blouse, face and head and his breath hitched in his throat. " no, no don't you dare dying here in front of me, I I can't lose you, you became so important to me amralimé"

Thorin whispered in my ear as he picked me up into his arms and ran back to his home with Fili and Kili following behind us. Smirks visibly shown on their faces.

I couldn't help but smile and at that moment Thorin decided to look down at me and he saw the smile. With a confused expression he made his was into the house and put me down onto the couch.

He crouched down next to me and put his hands on my cheeks making me open my eyes. His eyes went wild and I winced at his expression.

" whose idea was that" his voice boomed through the house and Fili Kili and I went smaller and smaller under his stare. He pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath.

Fili and Kili went away leaving me alone with Thorin. I looked really shocked and then tried to stutter out " I- it was Fili's idea. He said he had a plan, I cannot say what plan, but he helped me getting your attention " his eyes softened just as his voice did

" If you wanted my attention all you had to do was to tell me amralimé" he said and I looked at him shocked as he got up and went into their kitchen to get something familiar to a rag with water and he leaned back down to clean my face.

" b-but how should've I known it? I mean you are the king and a lot older. I'm not worth being the one beside you" I said, tears slowly making their way out of my eyes and down my cheeks.

He just laughed softly and cupped my face with his hand and leaned down whispering in my ear " well I don't care about it. You are my one and I'm their king and I won't let anybody talk bad about you".

He wiped away the tears and pressed his lips onto mine in a soft but passionate kiss. I smiled into the kiss and wrapped my arms around Thorin's shoulders, kissing him just as passionately back.

At that Fili and Kili came back in. They were cheering loudly making Thorin and I part quickly. I threw a pillow at them for leaving me alone. But I must say I'm glad they left me alone with him or I wouldn't have told him.

They just laughed just like Thorin while I pouted and stuck my tongue out at them. But Thorin sat down beside me with a small laugh and pulled me up into his chest and kissed me on the forehead making me look up at him with a loving smile.

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