Kili request

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This story is for my best friend Hikingthoughts I hope you like this one and will come back to read this🙈 and for everybody else I hope you enjoy reading. Lots of love my fave cookies🍪🍪


Hello everyone my name is Tinúviél and I'm a half elf and this is my story, my way to Erebor with a company of 13 dwarves, one hobbit and one istari. The story I found my one, my true Love in. And now I wish lots of fun and an emotional journey with me.

Tinúviél's POV:

I was laying in the grass behind my little house in hobbiton. To say the least it was a pretty good day for once. Hobbits went past my house all afternoon and some of them were still giving me curious or disapproving looks.

You must know I'm half hobbit and half elf. My mother was an elegant elf with Brown shiny hair and my father was a very tall hobbit. Even through that I didn't get the height of my parents. I was small compared to elves and the average hobbit.

Anyway as I was laying in the grass reading and enjoying the sun shining on my body a big shadow toward over me. So I decided to put the book away, sat up to look at the disturbance.

A tall man with grey clothes and a grey hat was standing in front of me leaning on his staff, eying me suspiciously and curiously. " good morning" I greeted him and he gave a nod and a sly smile before saying " good morning" as well.

" I'm planning an adventure and I think you'll be quite the help. There is going to be a meeting in two days from now in bag end. I wish for you to come. The house will be marked with a sign". Gandalf said in a rush.

My eyes big I gave it a thought. " it would be nice going on an adventure after quite a while again. I think this will do me good" I thought to myself. " very well" I said giving him a curious look. " I'll give it a chance. But if it's nothing good I'm out. Got it?" The man nodded. " good good, the name's Gandalf by the way".

Two weeks later from that day on I made my way up looking out for that sign. After Gandalf and I had talked about everything important I needed to know, he left. And now I was standing in front of the hobbit hole, debating to knock or leave it.

But I gave Gandalf my word and now I have to go through this. So I knocked on that door and I already could hear shuffling inside and someone cursing quite loudly. The door opened and in front of me was standing a rather stressed out looking hobbit.

I slightly bowed and said in a soft voice " Tinúvíel at your service ". Afterwards I looked up giving him my award winning smile. He looked me up and down with a little frown upon his features. Then nods his head and says in an equal soft voice " Bilbo baggins, at your service, you must be here because of that meeting Gandalf ordered " I nodded my head softly, feeling sympathetic for the little hobbit.

It looked like Gandalf didn't tell him what exactly was going on. Bilbo took a step aside and allowed me to come inside. I did as I was told and stepped inside only to be greeted by thirteen dwarves and Gandalf staring at me.

I bowed my head and said " Tinúvíel at your service" Gandalf gave me a bright smile and clapped me on the shoulder, saying " Glad you could make it old friend " " if you only told the poor hobbit what you did have in mind" I slightly scolded him with a small smirk shown on my features.

Then we turned to be faced with a rather tall dwarf with deep blue eyes, long raven black hair with little strikes of grey in it. " and let me introduce you to the leader of our adventure " " Thorin Oakenshield" I interrupted Gandalf.

I let my gaze glide over the other dwarves as well as it fell onto one particular dwarf. He also was quite tall for a dwarf and had equally dark hair as Thorin. But he had little to no beard which let him stand out of the crowd of dwarves and let my interest spark.

Gandalf gave me a mischievous smile and I just rolled my eyes. Then Gandalf turned back to the others and introduced the rest of the dwarves to me. ' okay that is a lot to take in, but with time I think I'll manage to keep all those names in mind' I thought to myself.

But Thorin looked at me furiously and his eyes cold as stone glared at me. Then he grumbled " what is your weapon of choice" " I can handle Daggers and swords, but my favourite weapon is the bow" he just nodded and turned to go back where they had come from. In the middle of the room was a big table.

All dwarves sat back down around the table and I took a seat between Gandalf and another dwarf to my right. After everything was set for the journey ahead everyone went into the small living room.

All the dwarves began to sing and it was a lovely sound. So pure and still full of hurt sadness and yet a bit of hope. From that moment I knew I would follow them and help them get their home back no matter what they will think of me or what will happen. Listening to the deep voices of the dwarves my eyes began to wander of and landed on a dark haired dwarf talking to his older brother.

As soon as they stopped singing Thorin turned around and addressed everyone around " everybody go rest now, we have to get up very early and you won't be able to have such a luxury for awhile". Then he turned to me and nodded.

I nodded back and everyone started on rolling out their makeshift beds and lied down. I also looked for a place as I heard someone call my name. Looking up trying to figure out who had called after me I met the gaze of a special dwarf.

He smirked at me with a mischievous glint in his eyes. I softly rolled my eyes giggling slightly and making my way over to him. " Here you can sleep between my brother and I " " thank you very much, but I don't think that this would be appropriate, much like your uncle" I replied lowly slightly hanging my head.

He softly pulled my head upwards making me look directly into his dark chocolate brown eyes, giving me an encouraging smile. I smiled back and rolled my makeshift bed out between Kili's and Fili's.

Fili giving me a friendly smile and he approached us smirking at his brother who rolled his eyes in response and lied down as well me following their actions. Rolling onto my right side facing Fili's back and turning so my back is facing Kili.

I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep but I still could feel how two rather strong arms slightly wrapped around my waist making me smile softly and drift of to sleep completely.


So this is my newest chapter and I hope you guys like it, thinking of making more parts of this one. I'd be happy if anyone would give some advices if you would like to give some, I'm glad to listen to them. Anyway anyone can request some imagines for themselves just message me on pm or in the comments.

Thanks so much see you soon my lovely lil hobbits!
Lots love Jana xxxx

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