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When I woke up this morning I felt something pull onto my hair and with a grown I turned around and buried my head into my pillow. Wait a second... Did this pillow just move? A deep chuckle brought a wide smile to my face and when my pillow moved once more the smile on my face grew even wider, so I opened my eyes and looked up, only to see the handsome face of my husband who was looking down at me.

I laid my hand onto his toned chest as I buried my head into the crook of his neck, a sigh of contentment left my lips while Thorin, my husband, leaned down and tilted with one of his finger my chin up so our lips could meet. I smiled into the kiss while I rolled on top of him, straddling his hips, his hands finding their way to my waist where he held me tightly.

With a smirk on my face I pulled away, but only to whispers in his ear. " Good morning amralimé." I felt him shiver beneath me and small smile formed on his face, before he brought my lips back to his, mumbling with his deep velvety, slightly raw voice. " Good morning to you too, givashel," while his hands drew small circles into the skin of my hips, earning a shiver from me, which made him smirk.

Just as we were about to deepen the kiss and take this further, we heard small footsteps downstairs that went to the staircase that led upstairs to our bedchamber. With a small sigh I rolled off of Thorin and laid back down beside him, burying my head into his chest, closing my eyes and evened out my breath so it seemed that I was still sleeping, just as the door to our bed chamber opened I closed my eyes.

Thorin had his eyes closed again and one of his arms was wrapped around my waist, as we heard two pairs of small little feet neared our bed and then was the air plunged out of my lungs, while I heard Thorin grunt beside me and small little laughs filled the air, making me open my eyes again only to see Thorin's disgruntled Expression.

I really had to concentrate to not laugh out loud or I could forget scaring my two nephews away. So when both of them were busy laughing at Thorin I shot up in bed and grabbed Kili who had jumped on top of me and began tickling the young boy, which led him to look at me shocked first but then he erupted into loud child like giggles, making me smile.

Looking to the side I could see that Thorin had copied me and had grabbed his older newphew and was tickling him as well while low chuckles left his lips all the while. Moments like These were my favourites, moments where my husband looked happy and did not have to worry about anything and anyone. He looked so carefree and even younger when he was smiling that.

With a smile I stopped tickling Kili and the young boy jumped into my lap, wrapping his small and short arms around my neck, while I wrapped one arm around his small body to steady him before I took my other hand and placed it under Thorin's chin, turning his face to my own and pressed my lips to his.

From beside me could be here several small gagging noises and turning around I saw Fili covering Kili's eyes while the elder of the two made the gagging noises, making me laugh and bury my head into the crook of my husbands neck. Another time our door slammed open and in came Dis, Thorin's younger sister and my sister in law.

She seemed very relieved to see her sons here and she came over and gave me a tight hug and pressed kisses onto her son's heads. " Ahh should have known that you two were here. But did I not say that you shall not run away from me?" Dis scolded her sons, who ducked their heads when their mother rose her voice.Then she turned Thorin, approaching him before she addressed him. " Thorin, I need you and your wife to watch over my boys today and tonight ( Y/N ) and I will go out and you are going to be alone with Fili and Kili for a little while. Do not worry, we will not be too long."

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