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Plot: you calm him down after he wakes up after having a nightmare.


Fili POV:
I felt blood pumping through my veins again and then I opened my eyes, shot up and gave a wary look around me. I was still on ravenhill and I looked down on my dead body laying on the ground.

Everywhere I looked I saw dead bodies. So I stood up and made my way further through ravenhill and the ground was full of blood. Fresh blood. As I came onto an ice patch I saw two bodies laying there. One big and one small.

The big one looked exactly like my uncles and the small body looked like it belonged to a woman. The woman's hair were long brown locks. Her eyes were closed and in her chest area was a big wound. And blood still leaked out of it. She looked horribly pale.

That was until it stuck me. The woman looked exactly like my fiancé. And then all memories came flooding back. Her and I laying on the grass back in Ered luin. I had picked her some flowers which she had put into her hair, with a big smile gracing her features matching mine as I had put my courting beads into her hair.

Both of us had promised each other to stay together forever. To always help each other and be there for each when needed. Everything seemed perfect back then and now seeing her dead again broke my already broken heart more. Then I could hear her scream in my head as Azog had stabbed his sword into my chest.

" she must've followed Thorin to help him and maybe even get revenge for me" I thought to myself and felt small tears fall down my face. I broke down next to her and cradled her in my arms and pulled her to my chest as more and more tears fell down my face.

Then I felt someone cup my cheeks and a whisper linger in the air but I couldn't quite make out where the voice was coming from as everyone was laying dead on the ground. I felt a soft touch and someone who must've wiped my tears away.

Then I closed my eyes again and the next time I opened my eyes I wasn't on ravenhill anymore. I was laying in my bed and a small figure was hovering over me.

End of the dream:

The person began to come clearer and clearer until I could make out who it was. The tears have been dried and the person was still cupping my cheeks. A small smile began to form on my lips. i saw a small woman right in front of me and my hands almost immediately placed themselves on her cheeks.

I sat up and wrapped the small woman into my arms and pulled her close to me. She let out a giggle and buried her face into the crook of my neck and placed a soft kiss there which made me smile.

But then the pictures of her dead body came back to my mind and silent tears fell down my face again which she felt immediately as my body began to shake lightly so she sat up and cradled my body into her arms this time and layed back into the furs of the bed.

I buried my head into her chest and she just held me until I stoped shaking and looked up at her. She gave me a soft but quite stern look and offered " if you want to talk about it, you can tell me, my love" I just looked at her, my eyes filled with love for her.

I nodded and placed my head back on her chest before mumbling softly " I had a nightmare. The nightmare I've been having since the end of the battle of the five armies. These pictures and the fear of seeing your body amongst the dead, made me feel uneasy and if we hadn't this miracle the both of us wouldn't be here".

'So this was what is plaguing him all those nights' she thought to herself. She began to understand. She placed a soft kiss onto my temple before saying confidently " the war is over, my love. You are King and you are great king, your people love you. Azog is dead. Your uncle really killed him this time and you don't need to worry about that anymore. You have family and friends and each of us supports you, because we love you".

I smiled at her words and pulled her into a passionate kiss, showing her how much I appreciate what she is doing. Yeah I couldn't imagine a live without my queen anymore. I loved her dearly and nothing could ever change that. The whole kingdom knew it.

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