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~ how you met part 1

Thorin: The fact that you were Balin's and Dwalin's younger sister may have helped you. Dwalin was his best friend and Balin was also one of Thorin's closest friends. But you were a lot younger than they were. You were around Dís age.

Being Dís best friend also helped because as you and Dís were playing outside with the Ponys something like a accident happened. You were riding a pony and from one second to the other the pony went wild and you couldn't hold yourself on the pony anymore and you were about to fall.

But before you could reach the ground two strong arms caught you and another person calmed the pony down. You didn't dare to look up but at some point you had to. Looking up slightly you regretted it instantly but before you could look down again Thorin had caught your gaze and looked down at you with a very small smile.

Back at Dís who looked utterly shocked Thorin let you down and you couldn't even form a coherent sentence, which made everyone around you laugh. Even your brothers who had watched the accident and you wanted to be swallowed by a black hole. But Thorin was smiling at you and that was what made you happy.

He didn't seem to be mad at all even if you knew that you would be told of by your father afterwards.


The company of Thorin Oakenshield was just making camp for the night around a two day's journey from the shire when they met a girl.

That girl was you. With a wound in your stomach which must've come from a knife or a short sword. You have been travelling for a while, searching for your family who you have lost weeks ago due to an orc attack to your town.

Due to the loss of so much blood you were very weak, couldn't stand on your legs very well. You ran to the group of dwarves who all took their swords out, ready to fight when they saw your wound and which state you were in.

You went towards a dwarf with blond hair and a blond beard looking rather young. Just as you were about to reach him you fell unconscious. But before you could make acquaintance with the floor Fili caught you in his arms and brought you to Gandalf and Oin.


You met Kili and the rest of the company for the first time in rivendell as the company was attacked by orcs.

You were coming out with Lindir and wanted to wait for the return of your father when you found the group of dwarves before you.

While Gandalf was talking to Lindir you watched the dwarves curiously and one dark haired dwarf in particular caught your eye.

' he is quite tall for a dwarf and doesn't have much beard compared to other dwarves' you thought to yourself and kept an eye on him the entire time. Even then when your father has long arrived and invited them to dinner.

During dinner you sat at the table with the dwarves who were quite suspicious of you first but as they saw that you could be like them they took you in rather gladly and Kili in particular had layed an eye on you, listening to your stories you were telling.

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