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~ Your pony / horse

Thorin: You have got a white pony with black hair and her name is fae for she is very fast and you have all your faith in your pony and now she is the most loyal pony you know. She was your companion since you saved her from death when she was still a little babe and you had cared for her and raised her to full health again. Since that day she followed you everywhere and now she is guarding over you anytime she got the chance to.

Fili: You have a brown pony , with equally brown hair and you called her lovingly brownie for she reminds you of one. She was as sweet and as brown as one, but brownie could be a real whirlwind and she did not let anybody tame her until you came and she began to trust you. Then after several years of hard work you earned her full trust and now she is your closest friend.

Kili: You have a grey pony, but his hair is almost abony and his name is dawn. You found him on the journey to the shire. When you wandering vast lands and the forst around you were ambushed by orcs and out of nowhere came a grey pony who saved your life when you were surrounded. Thorin had even lend your pony a medal because it had saved Kili several times as it did you.

Legolas: You have got a black horse which you called shadow. Your horse is a little boy and he is very childish you like to play with him and every time you and Legolas ride out he likes to be silly and annoy Legolas with his countless jumps and he always has to be first so when Legolas wins a playful race he begins to nip at Legolas hair, making you giggle everytime.

Bard: You have a white horse. It's all white and does not have another colour in his air or anywhere else. His name is funnily fairy for he reminds you of one, because he can be as adoring but as dangerous as one. Yet he very much likes the name and everyone who makes fun of his name gets a little bite from him. That exact same thing happened to Bard and now your horse and husband were very close and you could not be any happier.

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