Legolas request

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This imagine is for Princess_Greenleaf_ hope you enjoy reading, will do my best to make it the way you want it to be xxxx.


Your POV:

Today was the day where the feast of starlight would be. Only the elves of mirkwood celebrated that feast for the starlight is the most precious light of all, for us and I hoped that Legolas would ask me to accompany him, but I guess he would rather go with my best friend Tauriel for she was a real beauty and most men only saw me as the friend type and never asked me out.

To be honest, I had a real crush on him but I did not know for how long, because it had been going on for way too long and the only thing that kept me sane through all of the emotional mess that is going on at that moment, was the fact that Legolas and I went out every two days to go hunting, without Tauriel though and that still gave me hope where probably no hope was.

Do not get me wrong. I loved Tauriel as my best friend, but there was still the fact that the both of us had quite a crush on Legolas and that there were several fights between us, for who might win Legolas' heart over and the both of us knew it was her who he had the romantic feelings for, but I was not able to let him go yet, as he meant quite a lot to me and not just in a friendly way. The last fight I had with her was today and I ran out of the room we were in and onto the training Yard.

With many thoughts in my mind I had grabbed my bow and some arrows and began shooting away at the targets, letting out my anger and hurt and not realising that someone was behind me, watching me intently as I was shooting away my arrows with such anger boiling in the pit of my stomach, that I sometimes missed my target and some, I hit right in the bullseye. I nearly had jumped two feet in the air when I had felt two strong hands grabbing my waist and bringing me in the right direction.

I had looked behind me only to see Legolas smiling down at me soothingly. Yet the way he was looking at me did not make me feel any where near calm and I had turned around, with a huff leaving my lips and kept shooting at the targets which seemed to amuse him, for he had let out a quiet chuckle which just made me more angry and I fully withdrew myself from his grib and tried to focus on my shooting.

As clueless as he sometimes might seem to be, he had not let go and stood behind me, placing his hands on my hips again and guided me in the right direction and I knew moments like these gave me hope that he might have the same feelings for me as I have for him. Then he had leaned down and pulled me flush against his chest and pulled the bowstring with both our fingers and then we realeased the arrow and it flew through the air and landed right in the middle of the target.

I had turned around in his arms only to catch him, already looking at me, which had made my heart flutter widely and my cheeks turned as red as a tomato and just as we were about to get closer to one another, the door had flown open and Tauriel appeared in the door. Legolas quickly brought space between us and went over to Tauriel leaving me there, standing all alone by myself and doing the same with Tauriel that he did with me, but with her he seemed more passionate and happy, which broke my heart.

With my head hung low I had left the training yard and had made my way into the forest, with my bow in hand and my arrows in its quiver. Our hunting session was not going to happen now. He already had stood me up the past few weeks and I had grown tired of it. If he wanted to spend so much time with his precious Tauriel, why not tell me straight, rather then keeping it from me, that he met up with her behind my back and hurting me on purpose.

So I had run and run through the forest until I was as far away from the palace as possible. Nobody was ever going to find me here, that easily. I had not want to be near any of them at the moment for it hurted me, seeing my best friend so happy with the man I loved with everything I had, and at that, way longer than she claimed to be in love with him. It may had been foolish to run away like that and maybe it had been childish as well, but it had felt way better than being close to them.

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