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Summary: This story is through out the battle of the five armies. You, Thorin, Fili, Kili and Dwalin are fighting off the orcs on ravenhill when Azog appears and starts to attack you. Thorin ends up killing Azog and carries your limp body back to Erebor.


All of you were Standing on ravenhill searching for Azog. He had taunted Thorin in riding up to ravenhill and now you stood with the three durins and one of your best friends on ravenhill when out of nowhere a horde of orcs came running at the five of you. You raised your sword and charged at one of the orcs coming at you. You sliced its head off of his shoulders as you felt another presence behind you. Turning around, you came face to face with the pale orc. The most vile one of his entire race.

He clashed his sword against yours, driving you backwards more and more until you were separated from your friends and your secret love. You only noticed what Azogs intentions were when it already was too late for you to sneak away. ' That Little bastard' you thought to yourself as you kept fighting against this massive foe. Then without you noticing he threw his mace at you and you stumbled backwards through his blow, landing on backside. Azog started to try and hit you with his mace repeatedly. You did not have much time to recover before the next blew came and you quickly grabbed your sword and rolled to the side.

Before Azog could land a blow on you, you quickly stood back up and blocked his mace and made for a run but he grabbed you by the tunic and rammed you into the stonewall right from you. You fell uncoscious and Azog stood above you, grinning down at you devilishly. He successfully managed to separate you from the others as his plan continued on. Now where he had you, he could get Thorin to let his cover down and he could defeat the ing under the mountain, getting his revenge on him. Azog and the others always kept an eye on you, so they noticed the changing in yours and Thorin's relationship.

Nobody else had seemed to notice that Thorin developed Feelings for you as you did for him and now he could take this as an advantage. Azog ordered one of his orcs to capture you for he needed you alive. For now...

A few feet away from you the others seemed to notice that you were not with them anymore for they were kept busy by the other orcs. But now they had managed to defeat all of their enemies. Thorin turned around to see that you were not standing behind him like you used to. Fili, Kili and Dwalin seemed to notice that something was definitely not going the way they wished to. " Where is (Y/N)?" Thorin bellowed. Dwalin shrugged his shoulders and turned around to look for you. Panic began to rose in the four of them.

Then they heard feet movement behind them and Bilbo showed up behind a large rock. He ran to Thorin, Fili, Kili and Dwalin while breathing heavily. He managed to get out a few words, ehcih were difficult to understand through Bilbo's panting. The Little Hobbit began to calm down slowly before he repeated himself " Thorin, there are coming a lot more orcs under Bolgs lead. This is a trap. You have to get away from here" shocked expressions formed on their faces before Thorin turned to the others and said: "Alright, Fili Kili you go back down with Bilbo. Dwalin you will stay here with me, I Need you to get (Y/N) back."

Before Fili or Kili could speak against the uncle and voice their concern Thorin already had made his way over to them before speaking quite softly to them and looking them deep into their eyes " You have to promise me that you do that, I know you both can fight and that very good, but I could never forgive myself if something happens to you both, knowing that it would be my fault." The two of them slowly nodded resinged, before they followed Bilbo back down.

Thorin and Dwalin took their weapons back in their hands just in time before another Horde of orcs came running their way. Both of them kept fighting bravely but stopped dead in their tracks when they heard an ear piercing scream. Your scream to be exact. Shivers ran down their spines and a bitter frown formed on Thorin's face as pure rage and hatred rose up inside him. Azog would pay for laying hand on you and Thorin himself would ensure that. He swore to himself.

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