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~ You can't stop laughing part 1


It was just like every other day in Erebor since it had been reclaimed. I was Walking down the halls of our new home when out of nowhere a fit of giggles left my mouth. Confused I pressed my lips together. After a few seconds I opened my mouth again, this time no sound came out so I kept walking to my next destination. 

Thorin's and my chambers. The whole way to my chambers nothing happened, but then out of nowhere another fit of giggles left my mouth. Again I pressed my lips together to stop any sound from leaving my mouth. This was confusing as hell. How was that even possible, it was like somebody had cast a spell over me and that was when it clicked.

I opened the door to Thorin's and my chambers and stomped inside but stopped in my tracks immeadiately only to see my baby with Gandalfs staff in his small chubby hands, sitting on the floor and brabbling in his baby voice. " Amad laugh, amad laugh." Which made me coo at first but soon loud giggles left my mouth again and this time it did not stop.

 Right at this moment the door opened and in came my husband Thorin his adviser Balin his best friend Dwalin, his nephews Fili and Kili and his sister Dis. When they saw me sitting on the floor with my baby in my lap and both of us laughing uncontrollaby Fili and Kili immeadiately followed us suit an laughed with us.

Thorin just chuckled lowly and shook his head while Dis and Balin both had smiles on their faces and Dwalin just stood there next to Thorin, shaking his head at our childish behaviour, but I could not stop, even if I wanted to. Thorin got on his knees in front of us and ran his fingers through his son's hair before he turned to me and asked. " Why are you laughing non stop, amaralime?" " Frerin cast a spell on me and now I can not stop laughing my love." I explained through my laughter and pointed to Gandalf's staff that our son held in his small chubby hands, making my husband chuckle once again and the rest of our group standing in our chambers.


During the journey to Erebor we had made camp for the night for it was already late and we had to get up pretty early, Thorin's orders or else you had the privilege of having night watch all on your own and for the whole night at that.

Anyway, while Fili Kili and I were rolling out our bedrolls, the two of them made silly faces at each other when the other wasn't looking, which made a fit of giggles erupt from my throat. As we contiued making up camp the other dwarves send us glares and annoying looks especially two of them.Thorin and Dwalin.

" That's enough! Fili and ( Y/N) go and get some fire wood." Thorin demanded, which made me shut up immediately and Fili look down in shame while he nodded his head and then we hurried off and into the woods. During the search of fire wood Fili suddenly started to make funny noises which brought me to laugh out loud this time.

The young dwarven prince shot me a wide and proud smile as he continued, now also telling me a few jokes, just to make me laugh as it seemed. After a while of us walking through the forest and picking up wood we made back to get to camp, with me still laughing uncontrollably and non stop, at the particular joke Fili made, one of his hands now holding mine, making tingles erupt in my stomach and slowly making me go all fuzzy but also intensified my laughter.

The look the heir to the throne of Erebor, after Thorin of course, was one filled with love and clear adoration, making me blush a deep shade of red and a smile of my own formed on my lips while I probably gave him the same he look he was giving me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2020 ⏰

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