Thorin request

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This imagine is for fluffyfoxella hope you enjoy your imagine and if you got some ideas, requests and found some mistakes don't hesitate to message me :) xx

( Y/H/L) - your hair length
( Y/H/C) - your hair colour

Ellá's POV:

We had been wondering for a while now. With we was meant a company of thirteen dwarves, one wizard and one hobbit and the least me, a human. Maybe for the start I should explain what was happening exactly and what had happened before this moment.

I was laying on the ground of my backyard, hidden by beautiful flowers and plants I plant myself as a man in grey clothes and pointy head approached me and talked me into an adventure I didn't know what it would be about.

He had said " my dear Ella it is such a pleasure and good chance to meet you". I had looked at him and said after a low sigh " Gandalf, what are you doing here? Want to talk me into another adventure where I probably would die and you wouldn't think it necessary to tell me" he gave me a pointed look as to say ' don't remind me of that'.

But he just continued and told me " I indeed need for an adventure and the meeting will be in the shire" " a meeting? In the shire?" I questioned the wizard and he gave me another pointed look and I sighed but nodded and replied " and where would that meeting be exactly?" " the house will have a mark on the door so it should be easy to find"

" the house is called bag end and the rest you will find out there" he had said and I told him that I would think about it. After our little conversation he made his way to another person he had to invite into that adventure and I stood up and wandered into the next city of men where my home is.

This is where my story began...

Flashback end:

And now we were somewhere in the depths of middle earth trying to make camp for the night. The leader of this company was none other than Thorin Oakenshield himself and he was growling out orders to his people while I made camp myself and soon I joined Bofur and Bombur who were cooking for the whole company.

During cooking we made some jokes here and there and everyone around us made a quick stop to listen to our joking and some started in in our funny conversation. Anyone but one who stood at the edge of our campsite and had an eye open for dangers around here.

I kept looking at him when I had nothing to do. And I couldn't push the thought aside that he didn't really like me. I know I'm human and a woman what doesn't bring me extra points as well. He probably thinks that I'm not capable of defending myself even when I am pretty good with a sword.

Sighing quietly I moved away so Bofur and Bombur could finish cooking dinner and I could finish setting my sleeping place up. As I finished that as well I found myself an secluded area so I wouldn't be in the way. But I couldn't stop myself from thinking that this would only make matters worse for me as Thorin wasn't really fond of me already.

Standing up again with many more thoughts swimming around my head I walked back to Bofur and Bombur and told them that I would take a quick walk and check the forest after any lurking orks or other possible dangers. I gave them one last smile before running off and into the forest.

Bad thoughts came flooding back into my mind and I couldn't help but let out a soft whimper. I didn't understand why Thorin was so stubborn and couldn't just accept me like all of his fellow dwarves did. I did nothing wrong and I was very capable of defending myself I wouldn't need his help so why was he acting that way.

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