The Strongest Man... and Woman?

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"Are you going?" I asked Saitama as he turned off the TV.

"Guess I'll go." Saitama told me as he got up to get ready.

"Then I'll help the survivors." I said to him as he put on his suit.

"Ok." Saitama ran to City A while I just flew next to him in my outfit. Once we got there, I saw no one but a little girl crying. The monster was about to crush her until I swooped in and saved her.

"And who do we have here?" The monster said looking at me and Saitama.

"Just a guy and his girlfriend who are heros for fun." I held the girl close as Saitama addressed us.

"What kind... of half-assed backstory is that? I was formed from the constant stream of pollution with which you humans have suffused the earth. I am Vaccine Man! The Earth is a a single living organism. You humans are nothing but a disease-causing bacteria eating away at her life force. In order to obliterate humans and their evil civilization, the Earth has given birth to me!" I watched in fear as he was growing more into a monster. "You say you guys do this for fun? For fun? How dare you confront me, Mother Earth's apostle, for that insane reason?! Yet, what more could be expected from a hu-" Vaccine Man's words were cut short when Saitama killed him in one punch.

"S-Saitama...?" I watched him get on his knees worryingly.

"All it took was one punch! Damn it!" He screamed to the sky. I sweatdropped, and walked over to him patting his back in a comforting manner.

"You came this far in life Saitama... remember how you were 3 years ago?" As we helped the girl to her family and walked to the supermarket, I thought about 3 years ago.


I was looking around for Saitama after he didn't call for a while about the interview. After hearing from the family who saw him, I hid behind the corner listening to his and that weird crab monster's conversation.

"You sure you don't want to run away? I bet you're a newly employed businessman already tired of work. I ate too much crab and transformed into this, Crablante! Why aren't you running? You've got a death wish, is that it?" The crab monster said to Saitama.

"Well, not quite. I'm no businessman. I'm unemployed. Right now, I'm looking for a job. I had another interview today and got rejected royally. The only thing I really care about in life right now is my girlfriend who's still supporting me, but I think I'm worthless for her. So I'm in no mood to run just because the mighty Crablante has appeared. So, what'll happen if I don't run?" I was now in tears from what Saitama said to Crablante.

"Your eyes are lifeless, just like mine. From one set of lifeless eyes to another, I'll let you go. Besides, right now... I'm hunting different prey. A big-chinned brat and a teacher. And when I find them, I'm gonna rip his limbs off, and take that teacher!" Realizing he was talking about me and Allen, I ran back to the playground I last saw him at.

Once I got there, I saw Saitama walk along and look up at us. "What're you looking at?" Being angry at Allen, I smacked him and made him apologize to Saitama.

"Hey, kid. Were you messing with a big crab monster?" Saitama asked.

"Huh? He was asleep in the park, so I drew some nipples on him with my marker." Allen told him. Looking at Saitama's shocked face, I walked up to him hesitantly.

"Then what did you do to the crab monster (Y/n)?"

"N-Nothing mean, I tried to wipe it off as he was asleep, but it was permanent marker, so I wrote a note and gave him some money as an apology." Then it hit me. The crab was going to kill Allen and take me for his wife.

One punch man! (Saitama x reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now