Bonus Chapter 1 - How I Met Your Hero

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You would think when I met my favorite baldy, it would be him being a hero and having this lovestruck aura around him, right?

Wrong, so very, very wrong.

"(Y/n)-chan...!" I rolled my eyes hearing that familiar voice.

"What do you want?" He ran up before catching his breath.

"You have a pimple on your face." I gasped before stepping on his foot as I ran away. "Oww, what was that for?!"

"Leave me alone Saitama!" I yelled back as I kept running.

Yep, you heard me right. That was Saitama in the flesh. We've known each other since middle school, but I absolutely hated him.

"(Y/nnnnnnnn)..." I felt my eye twitch seeing his face staring at me as I read a book.

"What?" I snapped.

"Do you have food? I'm hungry." I put my book down, giving him my full attention.

"Saitama, we're in class. Just wait until lunch." I picked up my book again as he pushed it back down.

"But I can't wait, can I have your bento?" He whined.

"Saitama no."

"Saitama and (L/n)! Stand outside!" I winced as the teacher yelled at us.

"Nice going Saitama..." I blamed him, feeling uncomfortable when he stayed silent. "Saitama?"

"Quiet, now we have time to sleep." I froze when he laid his head on my shoulder. A weird feeling in my stomach brewed as I unconsciously smelled his hair.

Yes, I smelled his hair. It surprisingly didn't smell like must and food, it smelled like wood and rain.

"Aww man, he kept us until after!" Saitama complained as I covered my laugh.

"(L/n)-san, can I see you for a second?" I turned back to see the teacher with an unreadable face standing by his office.

"You go on without me Saitama, I'll see you tomorrow." I smiled before feeling his grab my arm and shake.

"No, I'll wait right here for you." I decided not to argue with him and followed the teacher, glancing back at Saitama as he stared straight at me.

"So what did you need Tao-sensei?" I asked politely as he looked like he was sweating.

"Are you and Saitama dating?" I blushed hearing that question.

"N-No! I don't l-like him in that way!" I stuttered, holding my hot cheeks as I heard the teacher tch to himself. "But why ask that?"

I felt a little weirded out as the teacher stood closer to me. "Just curious, I made you come here to ask you another thing though."

"A-And what is that?" I opened the door a little bit just in case.

"You're failing my class, and you'll continue to fail unless you do something for me." I questioned his words, moving a little bit away from him.

"Failing? Last time I checked it, it was a perfect score." I claimed, seeing him sweat more before grin.

"Well now it's not!" he moved closer as I got uncomfortable quickly. "The only way to raise it is to do some extra credit for me."

He pushed me to the wall as I quickly panicked. "SAITAMA!!" I screamed out before getting muffled by the teacher.

"Shut up, or I'll make you!" He had a crazed look in his eye as I tried to scream.

"I'd let her go if I were you." The teacher turned to see Saitama a ruler in his hand as I couldn't think of anything but Saitama.

"Or what? You'll hit me with a flimsy ruler?" The teacher mocked as Saitama growled and beat the teacher nearly to death with the so-called "flimsy" ruler.

"Saitama, we need to go." I hugged him as he scoffed and dropped the ruler, picking me up and running out of the school, to the nearest park.

"Are you okay?" He asked as I nodded solemnly.

"I'm fine, are you okay?" He stood up with an angered face making me flinch.

"Am I okay? He almost raped you!" I trembled hearing those words. "I'm worried about you (Y/n), you could've been traumatized."

"I am okay! I am traumatized, that's why I screamed for you!" I blurted out, slumping down onto the ground.

"(Y/n), please don't cry." I hugged myself as he came closer to me.

"Stay away Saitama, you never know when to quit." I mumbled loudly enough for him to hear as he put his head on my shoulder again.

"Why would I quit when I already got the girl?" I listened to his words, peeking to see him with an awkward smirk.

"What are you talking about?" He lifted my head and kissed my temple as I blushed crimson.

"Does that answer your question?" He grinned like a child as I laughed, forgetting about why I was upset.

"You womanizer!" I joked, punching his arm as we stayed there and talked, forgetting about everything and just enjoying each other's presence.


"And that's how I fell in love with Saitama." I finished the story, laughing when I felt someone familiar twirl me around.

"Stop telling everyone that story, you're embarrassing me!" Saitama complained as I kissed his nose.

"Nope, it's my favorite story." I smiled, popping the p.

"You guys are disgustingly cute." Tornado said as Genos had sparkles in his eyes.

"Another story!" Genos cheered as Saitama snapped.

"Shut it!" 

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