Special Mini Chapter - Powers?

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A few months passed as I tried to adapt to the feeling of no powers again. I dyed my hair a different color to hide my identity as the Hero Association decided to keep it a secret for my safety. My body became weak and brittle again as the powers gave me things I couldn't accomplish with just hard training. Instead of trying to figure out a way to get them back, I decided to take this path to see where it leads me, without powers.

"We're leaving." I look up to see Saitama as Genos was already out the door. "You sure you'll be alright by yourself? I can stay if you want."

"Positive, I'll be fine and stay inside the house. Have fun and don't die on me." I kissed his cheek, watching him leave as I let out a deep sigh. "I don't know why that man trusts me."

I quickly left the house, going to the only person who might have a chance of getting them back.

"What a pleasant surprise! You finally came crawling back after that man left you?" I ignored my uncle's comments as I chose my words carefully.

"Do you remember the alien attack a few months ago?" He stopped joking, looking at me with curiosity.

"Yes, but why bring that up?"

"There was something on that ship, something that gave me my powers. But since Saitama destroyed it, I don't feel any energy from my powers at all. I'm asking for a ride to City A to get them back." He stared at me in silence as I stood strong, waiting for any answer.


"But please uncle I-wait you said yes?!" He nodded again as I leaped up, hugging him.

"Don't get me wrong, even though you're a traitor to the family you're still a (L/n). There's a car waiting for you outside, good luck (Y/n)."

"Thank you!" I quickly left as the driver made its way to City A.

"We're here." I looked outside the window, seeing the giant purple ship as I got bad nostalgia.

"Thank you, you can go back now." I left the car, finding the entrance where Saitama and I left the ship.

Fortunately for me, Saitama punched it enough to have a trail for me to get through straight towards the throne room. I looked around before looking up to see the giant core in shards.

"Jesus Saitama you really did a number on this one."

Saitama's POV

As I landed on the ground after punching the weird monster, I sneezed.

"Master do you have a cold?" Genos asked as I thought of (Y/n).

"No, I think (Y/n)'s talking about me, let's hurry back quickly for her." We quickly made our way home as I happily opened the door. "(Y/n), we're finally home!"

"Uhh, Master, (Y/n)-sensei isn't here, apparently she left 3 hours ago." Genos said as I realized that was right after we left.

"Where is she now?" I asked in a low voice as Genos tracked her.

"Apparently in the middle of City A, which means she's on the alien ship again."

I broke the ground underneath me, turning around and leaving the house. "Genos, we're leaving to go get (Y/n)."

(Y/n)'s POV

I got chills on the back of my neck as I made my way to the core. "I need to hurry before they find out I'm not home."

Standing on the throne, I was finally close enough to the core to see a smaller sphere in the middle. I touched it, feeling a huge burst of energy from the small core. I tried to break more around it to get it out, but cut myself in the process, getting blood on the core.

"Crap, how the hell am I supposed to get this out?" I looked at it again before feeling a strong urge to back up as it started pulsing rapidly.

The core sent out a strong wave enough to knock you down as I fell on the floor from the force. Laying there for a few seconds wondering what the fuck I just did, I looked up to see the core rolling towards me in a melon-ball size.

"Wow, how convenient." I mumbled to myself picking up the core as I felt stronger. "Holy shit."

"(Y/N)!!" I flinched hearing my name leaving Saitama's voice as he punched another wall entering the room with Genos. "What the hell?! I told you to stay at home!"

"Master, wait!" Genos yelled as I smiled at them. "You got your powers back... but how?"

"I finally put two and two together to figure out that this weird thing gives me my powers." I held up the small core as they looked at it in awe.

"Amazing..." Genos whispered as Saitama hugged me.

"I'm glad you're not depressed about this anymore, but I'm putting you on house arrest." Saitama said as I gasped at him.


"No butts. You made me lose it when we found out you weren't home. So take responsibility." I pouted as he pat my head. "Don't look so down, it won't be for forever."

"Alright. I'm sorry for making you worry." I hugged him as he hugged back and picked me up.

"I'm just glad you're alright, now let's go get some udon!" I cheered with him as I held the core in my lap.

"(Y/n)-sensei, can I scan the core?" I gave it to Genos as he looked at it. "It's made up of crazy things we've never heard of at all, it's astonishing."

"That's alien technology for you." Saitama said whistling.

"But it's main energy source is from the sun." Genos mentioned as Saitama and I stopped and stared at each other.

"Do you know what that means?" I asked Saitama as he nodded with a cold sweat.

"Yeah... that means you're a plant." I processed his words as he smirked.

Genos's POV

"You are dead!" I watched the couple as (Y/n) chased Saitama around as we were walking towards the udon restaurant.

"(Y/n)'s a plant! (Y/n)'s a plant!" Saitama yelled in a sing-song voice. Enjoying the light mood in the air, I didn't tell them another main component that makes up her powers.

10,000 human bodies.


Hello readers!

So I finally made up my mind to "attempt" season 2 of one punch man seeing as it's very hard to find in a fanfic on Wattpad.

So stay tuned if you want!

Or not, the choice is yours!

One punch man! (Saitama x reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now