The Solutions of the Strongest

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Updated a bit late, got distracted with college, sorry!

But oh lawd we only have three more episodes!

Anyways, enjoy!


"(Y/n), are you okay?" Completely forgetting about my situation right now, I nodded. "Doesn't this remind you of something? I'm getting some weird deja vu."

"Wha... Oh! You mean that crab monster?" He swiftly nodded. "A little bit, except a lot of things are way different now."

"A hero? A godamn hero?!" Oops, forgot about the monster. "More like some puny runt out to make a name for himself! Pathetic! You have no idea how outclassed you are, small-fry! You're nothing but... You're..." The monster looked closer at Saitama as he screamed.

"Wait, do I know you? Have we met?" Saitama asked, glancing at me as I shrugged.

"Sh-Shut your face! This time, Bakuzan the Monster will rain down upon you a full course of death blows!" I ignored him, watching Saitama as he stared at me for a while before turning to Charanko's friend. "Art of the Darkness Hell Killer: Demon Sweeper Low Kick!"

He kicked Saitama as he slid across the platform, staring at the beaten up fighters with a concerned face. As if I knew what he was asking, he looked back at me as I shook my head no, knowing I couldn't heal all of them right now.

"That you're still standing is impressive, but by now you've realized the unimaginable difference in our strength. Bear Killer Mid Kick!" He Kicked Saitama straight in the face as he didn't move an inch.

"P-Protect yourself first!" Suiryu yelled out.

"Idiots." I mumbled under my breath, getting a bit dizzy from the movements.

"Carnage Punch!" The monster punched Saitama as he turned around, unmoving from his spot. "You've got one last chance to apologize for our match!"

"Maybe you've fought him before?" I questioned as Saitama held his chin looking at the monster.

"Tch! This guy's no fun. He must have gone into shock. Time to end this! Those scrawny nothings have to go too! Hellbringin' Hand Chop!"

"Damn it, I just can't remember." Before Saitama got chopped hard by the monster's hand, he punched the side without me into oblivion as I laughed hearing his last words. "Who was this guy? Do you remember (Y/n)?" He caught me from falling easily. "Eh, whatever."

I hugged Saitama tightly, relaxing from his presence. "This is too tiring." I mumbled.

"That really sucked for you... After winning the tournament and all?" He was talking towards Suiryu. "Well, I defeated the monsters, so maybe next time won't be so bad."

"O-Okay, yeah... Thank you for saving me... Wh-Who are you really?" Suiryu asked, looking at us in bewilderment as I smiled.

"I'm Saitama and this is (Y/n). We're heroes." I huffed knowing he didn't need to introduce me, but let him continue anyways.

"Saitama? So you fought in the tournament under an alias?"

"Uh... oops." We just admitted we were cheating. Whoops.

"What were you doing here? Was this all some plan of the Hero Association's?" Suiryu asked.

"No. I wanted to experience martial arts." I had a feeling there was another reason as he paused for a second. "There's this guy calling himself a 'Hero Hunter'. They say he's a martial arts master... so I sort of got interested." Does he think he hasn't met him? Oh god.

One punch man! (Saitama x reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now