Ordinary Peril

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We were in Bang’s dojo as he wanted to show us something cool. “Fist of Flowing Water, Crushed Rock.” I stared in awe as he moved so gracefully like water even with an old body. “It goes something like that. Want to try? You three all look like quick learners. I bet you’ll get the hang of it in no time.”

“This is the cool thing you said you wanted to show us? A sales pitch? I’ll pass. You guys do it, (Y/n) and Genos.” Saitama complained as Genos turned to us.

“Even though it looks really cool and interesting, I’ll pass. Genos?” I looked at him.

“No, I will pass as well.” Genos said. “What I see is not the art of self-defense… but absolute destructive power.”

“You punks! You dare mock our fighting style?!” This spiky haired guy in the corner yelled as he walked up to us. “I, Charanko, the top disciple, challenge you--” Before the guy could finish, Genos got up and held him up by his neck, beating him immediately. “I give up!”

“Genos.” I said as Genos dropped him and bowed, standing in place. 

“Is he really your best?” Genos asked.

“Yeah…” Bang mumbled as Genos glared at him a little.

“I heard your dojo was full of skilled fighters.” I stood up and asked confused as Bang looked over at me and closed his eyes.

“Well, one of my disciples went wild. He beat my most skilled students so badly they’re all out of commission. The rest got scared and quit.” Bang explained as Saitama walked over to Bang.

“He’s that strong? What’s his name?” Saitama asked interested.

“Garo… he was my top disciple at the time… but I gave him a good beating and expelled him.” Bang stated sadly as Saitama smiled.

“You must pack a punch, old man.” Saitama complimented.

“Hey! This is the famed hero ‘Sliverfang’! Class S hero, rank 3. He toys with opponents as he flows like water, then delivers a blow like a raging smashing huge rocks! A master of martial arts!” Bang’s disciple pointed at us as we stared at him. “You only became a hero recently, right? You’ll regret taking Bang-sensei lightly!”

“Enough, Charanko! Do not disgrace us. Saitama-kun is many times stronger than me.” Bang calmed his disciple down.

“Sensei, you can’t be serious…” The disciple whispered before we all looked as the door opened.

“Silverfang-sama! The Association sent me. An emergency summons all Class S heroes!” The man was out of breath as he talked in a hurried breath. “Please come to the Association Headquarters. Is that you, Genos and (L/n)-sama? Since all Class S heroes have been summoned, please come too.”

“Is it threat level Dragon?” Genos asked sparing a glance at me as I avoided his gaze.

“More than that. This could be the end of the world.” I mumbled, nodding at Genos as he sharpened his glare.

“Here we go… Charanko, look after the dojo.” Bang ordered as he got ready.

“Be careful, Sensei!” The disciple warned as I looked over at Saitama with Genos.

“Wanna come with us Saitama? We need you for this one.” I offered as his eyes told me everything.

“(Y/n)-sensei is right, if Class S is being summoned, they may need your help too Sensei. Will you come?” Genos asked as Saitama got serious.

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