The Unnecessary Disciple

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I felt an uncomfortable overwhelming presence coming closer to earth every second. I got up from the bed, walking out onto the balcony and flying up as I felt the meteorite change its course to exactly where I was. I walked back inside and put on my suit as Genos walked up to me with a phone and a briefcase in the other hand.

"They're calling us?" I looked at Genos as he glared at me.

"What did you do?" Genos immediately asked as I sadly smiled at him.

"Changing the fate of this world." I took my hair out and grinned at him as he looked at me in confusion. We nodded and walked over to Saitama as he laid on the floor reading manga.

"Sensei... for some reason the Hero Association wants me and (Y/n)-sensei to come in. We will be back later."

"Okay. Maybe you guys are getting fired." Saitama laughed as I scoffed and walked out with Genos.

I stopped in the road, looking up at the pink star in the sky as I took a deep breath, looking back down at Genos and catching up to him.

We walked into City Z's Hero Association building to be greeted with silence. We slowly walked in before hearing an old man's voice from the left.

"Oh, you two must be Genos-kun and (L/n)-chan?" We looked over to see a white-haired man holding up his two fingers. "My name is Bang. Nice to meet you."

"Ah, Class S Rank 3 Silver Fang? It's an honor!" I bowed and pushed Genos down to bow too as the man laughed.

"The Association called us in." Genos pointed out.

"Everyone's at headquarters. This little branch office is empty now. Each of the Class S heroes got the call to come here... but we're the only ones who showed up." Bang explained.

"Why is that?" I asked.

"Too far away, or perhaps they're busy. Of course, some of the more cold-blooded ones simply don't bother. After all, we're called up only... when there's some impossible problem they want us to take care of. Today's no exception." Bang continued. "The threat level is Dragon, a worst-case scenario. Thirty-five minutes from now, a huge meteor will strike City Z. They are asking if nearby Class S heroes can do anything about it."

"A meteor?!" Genos yelled as I looked at him.

"Genos, calm down." I warned as he glared at me and sighed.

"Apparently, it suddenly changed paths. That means the end for us. The impact will wipe out City Z. I'm afraid there's nothing we can do this time. You guys too should think about evacuating with your loved ones." Genos gasped as I immediately texted Saitama.

"Do the citizens know?" I asked.

"I was told they would estimate the impact area... and issue evacuation orders 30 minutes before it hits." Bang notified as I heard the evacuation drill and smirked. "People are sure to panic."

"That's not enough time..." I estimated the time frame as they continued the conversation.

"And you, old fellow?" Genos asked.

"'Old fellow', is it? Call me Bang." He ordered as we watched him walk away.

"You are not evacuating?"

"My dojo has been in my family for generations. I can not abandon it." We left before he could finish his sentence.

Genos jumped from roof to roof as I flew next to him, staring straight at the meteor. I stopped a few meters away from him as he pressed a button on his briefcase. The case flew out in front of him and split into two parts, forming robot arms as they locked onto his body. He landed right next to me on the roof as the arms finally set in.

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