Depart of the Hero

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Hi readers!

So instead of making another book for the second season, I decided to just continue it off from the first one. Hope this doesn't confuse things!

Also instead of Genos saying Master as he did in the first season, I'm switching it to Sensei as it sounds better and makes my writing easier.



Saitama's POV

"Sensei, where should we head next?" Genos asked.

"Let's see... we bought the ingredients for the hot pot, right? That just leaves toilet paper and shampoo..." I stopped, seeing a bunch of hero figurines with (Y/n) and King. "Huh... I guess you get one of these when you get popular. Must be nice... getting your own figure. Hey, wait. I don't remember (Y/n) saying she wanted an action figure of herself."

Genos immediately pulled out his phone as I stared at him. "Let's call the manufacturer."

"Nah... you're not supposed to ask them to make one yourself. Let's go meet up with her." I walked away as Genos caught up.

"Yes! Where is (Y/n)-sensei now?"

"Probably trying to find us."

(Y/n)'s POV

I sneezed, looking around the shops for the boys. "Jeez, I know I suggested they grab the heavy ingredients, but I didn't expect myself to get lost."

I heard a scream behind me as a giant crowd started to form. Pushing a bit through them, I saw a reptile humanoid snapping his tongue at people.

"Eww, what the hell?" I mumbled as people started running.

Before I could protect someone and pound this guy into the ground, I felt an intimidating presence near us.

"Woah, that startled me!" The monster yelled as we turned to see King behind him. King stood there with a terrifying glare as the monster stepped back a bit. "Th-This vibe..."

'If looks could kill, he'd be able to take Saitama...' I thought, getting chills. 'But in my opinion, he looks sad instead of angry.'

"That guy's the strongest hero in the world!" A guy from the crowd yells as everyone cheers.

"He'll stomp you in a single blow!"

"Can I have your autograph?"

"King! King!"

The crowd started to chant his name as I felt peer pressured from just watching the whole ordeal.

"I-I-I'm terribly sorry for what I've done!" The monster bowed completely on the ground as King just stood there.

"Three cheers for King!"

"You pervert." One girl said to the monster as others behind her joined in. "You're the worst."

"Take care of him, Mr. King!" The crowd lost it as I felt bad for the guy.

"He's starting to have a seizure while he's groveling!" One person pointed out as the monster was shaking on the ground.

'This is a bit overkill...' I thought, watching as the crowd surrounded King and fought over him. "Alright, that's enough!"

"It's Lady (L/n)! She came back!" The crowd cheered as I escorted the monster and King away from them.

"I can take the monster to HQ for you, are you okay?" He looked at me a little shockingly as I smiled. "Those people looked like they were about to eat you alive."

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