Justice Over Siege

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I did not expect to take this much time updating, but here we are!

2 episodes to go!

Also, (f/d) is favorite drink!

Anyways, enjoy!


I left Sonic's apartment after helping out with this "problem", walking to the convenience store near King's apartment.

"If I'm getting snacks for a strong and weak hero, what would I get?" I asked myself, looking around the different chips before spotting a familiar face. "No way... Mob?"

"(L/n)-sensei? What are you doing here?" I looked at the middle schooler, picking up a bunch of junk food.

"Buying some snacks for some friends... how are you?" I bought the snacks, leaving the store with him as he smiled.

"I'm alright, the move since the monster attack has thrown me off a bit, but otherwise I've been good. What about you? Looks to me like the whole air around you has changed." I unconsciously rubbed my shoulders, calming my senses.

"Just stressed is all, adult things," I mumbled.

"Want to talk about it?"

Saitama's POV

I closed King's door behind me as he faced me with a sort of intimidating aura? "Ready to play?"

"Yeah, just before that, I need to ask you something." I was a bit confused by King's actions but decided to listen. "Are you not satisfied with (Y/n)-san?"

"What kind of question is that? Of course, I am, she means everything to me." I looked at King, flinching at his frown. "Where did this come from?"

"Have you told her that?" I avoided his gaze, stuffing my hands into my pockets. "Saitama... do you even think you'll be with her forever?"

"Yes! I... just haven't found the right time to ask..." I rubbed the small velvet box in my pocket, scratching my head.

"I'm telling you this as a friend, but you're running out of time. You better do it fast, before she slips out of your hands and it's too late." I looked at King, nodding at his warning. "Okay. ready to get destroyed?"

"In your dreams, baldy!"

(Y/n)'s POV

Before I even knew it, I let out all of my emotions talking to Mob. "A-And now, I don't know if I'm on the right path or not. Maybe I should've stayed as a teacher?"

"(L/n)-sensei, ever heard of the red string of fate?" I looked up at him before rolling my eyes back to the ground. "I know it sounds fake, but I think it's real since Reigen-san said so. I think, if you're really struggling with what to do, find your own path again by yourself. If you end up becoming a part of each other's lives again, then you're fated to be."

"Mob... that sounds stupid. How the hell is that supposed to work?" I glared at him, opening a bottle of (f/d).

"If you're not going to do that, how about standing back for a minute to figure out what you want without him?" I thought about his words for a moment before smiling.

"You really turned out to be a fine boy after that experience, thanks, Mob!" I punched his shoulder before standing up from the park bench. "If I meet you again, how about some curry as thanks?"

"I might take you up on that offer, but no spoons please." I chuckled nervously as he shivered. "Good luck, (L/n)-sensei."

I waved bye before facing the giant building. Making my way up to King's floor, I knocked on the door before finding it open as I almost fell over from the amount of tension in the room.

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