Bonus Chapter 2 - Genos' Thoughts

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=Will be in Genos' POV the whole time=

As soon as I met Master and (Y/n)-sensei, I've always questioned their unnatural relationship. I never understood the prime concept of "lovers", so I tried to ask (Y/n)-sensei about it.

"(Y/n)-sensei, I have a question." I decided to ask her when Master was out just in case she was uncomfortable answering it in front of him.

"Alright, go ahead." She put down her book and stared at me with anticipation.

"What are lovers?" I concluded her reaction to be the emotion flustered as her (s/c) skin tinted red.

"Lovers are when there's two people that spend more time with each other than regular friends... I guess?" She described, making me sort of understand.

"What do lovers do?" Her heart rate increased and her face turned more red.

"Well... lovers hold hands and kiss, and if they're in a committed relationship, t-they'll have s-sexual intercourse..." She barely formed words as I became more confused.

"What is sexual intercourse?"

"Uhh..." she stared at the floor, twiddling her thumbs as Master came home.

"What happened here?" He asked, immediately noticing (Y/n)-sensei silent.

"I asked (Y/n)-sensei what sexual intercourse is." I noticed Master's mood change in a strange way as (Y/n)-sensei avoided Master's gaze.

"And did you tell him?" He asked, making an inaudible and slightly inhuman sound as (Y/n)-sensei shook her head. "Let's show h—"

(Y/n)-sensei stood up from her seat, covering Master's mouth as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"We'll tell you another day Genos, okay?" (Y/n)-sensei said, glaring at Master as I nodded.

Master removed (Y/n)-sensei's hand from his mouth as he spoke. "Genos, could you go to City A and get some sushi for dinner? It's a special night."

"Sushi from City A, got it." I stood by the door, bowing to the couple. "I'll be back."

"Take your time!" Master waved at me, still holding (Y/n)-sensei tight as I left for the errand.


"Master and (Y/n)-sensei, I'm sorry for my tardiness. Before I could acquire the sushi, the association needed me for a few things, extending my time to two hours instead of thirty minutes." I bowed deeply, wondering to myself why they were panting so heavily.

"It's not a problem Genos, it happens from time to time." (Y/n)-sensei quietly reassured, as I smiled happily before scanning the chemicals in the room.

"My sensors detect a fair amount of oxytocin and a weird smell wafting around the apartment. What happened?" I asked, noticing (Y/n)-sensei visibly flinch as Master sat back onto the floor.

"Nothing you need to worry about!" Master gleamed, making my suspicions diminish as I served the sushi.

Guess it will take a while for me to understand the concept of "lovers", but I for one, approve of the relationship between Master and (Y/n)-sensei.

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