The Shipping and Handling of the Disciple's Ass

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This photo of Saitama made me cry for a good 30 seconds of how confident he looks


This is it...

We've come so far.....

I'm so proud ;((((

(f/c) is favorite color, (s/c) is skin color, etc. etc.



In a split second, Garou's body was riddled with punches as Bang was merciless. Every time Garou tried to punch, Bang would block it before going back into the offense.

It's amazing how balanced the fight is, but Bang is the clear winner.

Bang punched Garou in the face, making him slide back as Bang ran after him. Garou grabbed his arms and kicked up his knee as Bang was faster, blocking it and kicking him hard enough to spin. Bang jumped up in the air, landing down on Garou's chest with a punch so hard it destroyed the whole ground.

Genos blocked me from the debris and smoke as it cleared, showing Bang punching Garou over and over again. Garou suddenly picked up sand, blocking Bang's vision as he ran, bouncing from tree to tree randomly.

"What is that preposterous style? Where'd you pick it up? It's as if you've become an animal." Bang pointed out as I saw Garou running towards Death Gatling's body.

"No, you don't." The other older man kicked Garou's direction, making him trip and fall into the puddle of monster blood. "I took care of the monsters. Bang, all that remains is Garou!"

Who the hell are these old men?

I saw a giant bird flying past us as it looked a bit familiar before focusing back onto the fight.

"If that were you, Brother, would you still be standing after so many wounds?" Bang asked the older man as Garou was slowly standing up.

"If I were 60 years younger, I could hang in there. So I hope... Anyway, just a little more. Now, Bang!" Both of the old men rushed at Garou, giving him no time to react as he was hit with red and blue fists. Bang spun around and kicked his face as they were slaughtering him.

"Feel the pain Charanko felt, Garou! This is the end!" I felt something was wrong as Garou's eyes widened.

"Nothing's..." Garou hit the ground, lifting up all the pieces as they jumped back, "...ended!!"

I grabbed Genos, flying up a bit into the air as Garou was completely losing his shit. We landed back down before looking up as I remembered the bird from before.

"Bang! Above you!" Genos pointed it's blaster towards the bird as he flapped his wings, sending a powerful wind that blew us back. I looked up, seeing the bird grab Garou and fly away.

"A monster?!" I looked over at Genos, seeing him power up for a giant beam.

"Genos!" Before I could stop him, Bang spoke up at him.

"Bang, he's a monster now! I will shoot them down both!" I saw the hesitation in Bang's eyes before looking back at the bird.

"Hear me now! I've got Garou with me! Bring back (L/n) with you! The others I leave to you..." The bird's voice echoed loudly as Genos was fully powered up. Genos shot a scorching purple beam towards the bird as he said one more thing that scared me. "Centichoro!!"

The giant elder centipede bursts from the shed, blocking Genos's beam.

"What is this devilry?!" We looked down and jumped as more of its body appeared from the ground, covering the forest. "Is that a living creature?!"

One punch man! (Saitama x reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now