The Inhuman Monster

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Hi readers!

So here's episode 2!

I had some trouble uploading it yesterday because of the ending, it wasn't good in my opinion (=_=')



"Sai... close the blinds..." I mumbled, shielding myself from the bright sun peeking through the blinds.

"(Y/n)... it's already noon, you missed breakfast." I heard Saitama's voice above me as I didn't budge.

"I made ramen for lunch, (Y/n)-sensei, please come eat." I slowly got up, moving to sit at the table with the blanket still wrapped around me.

"I never thought I'd be jealous of a blanket..." I glanced over at Saitama as he sent daggers to my blanket.

Saitama and Genos finished early with their ramen as I took my time, watching Saitama play on the PSP as Genos washed dishes.

"Saitama-sensei, your rank has increased to Class B Rank 7. (Y/n)-sensei has increased to Class S Rank 14, and I've increased to Class S Rank 15." Genos mentions.

"All I'm doing is pummeling monsters I stumble across. I've gone up that much?" I finished my ramen, handing it to Genos and sitting back at the table. I closed my eyes feeling Saitama pat my head.

"Well, monsters are appearing on a daily basis now. Even though you defeat monsters, you aren't reporting them to the Hero Association." Genos continued explaining why Saitama moved up in rank as I sat in Saitama's lap, watching him play. "Your rank is still increasing, though, so that must mean there are witnesses reporting your victories to the association. That means you're becoming more recognized as a hero among the masses. I think you might even have a fan club soon, Saitama-sensei."

"And I'll be your number one fan for it..." I mumbled.

"Yeah, right. You and (Y/n) are Class S, and you both don't have a fan club." Saitama denied.

"Actually, (Y/n)-sensei and I do have a fan club." Genos said, finishing up the dishes and wiping his hands.

"Seriously?" Saitama stopped playing for a second as I nodded, leaning more into him.

"Genos, calm down, you can settle him peacefully I think." I looked over Saitama at him as he nodded and left.

"Oh, hey, an item." I looked back at the game, noticing it was a sword Saitama already had.

"Same item, but you can sell it for exp." I mentioned as he hummed, going back to farming exp. "By the way, why are you wearing your suit?"

"Just a feeling that something will show up." I hummed, watching the game in comfortable silence.

20 minutes have passed as I got a bit worried for Genos. It should've been taken care of peacefully, but he probably ignored that statement.

"C-Crap... I accidentally saved over King's save data." I opened my eyes staring at his dilemma. "I totally took this without asking too... well, it's fine. No, I guess it's not... well shit. (Y/n)...."

"No." He set the PSP down and hugged me tightly.

"Please... I don't have the heart to tell him..." I ignored him as he rolled me around in the blanket. "(Y/n)..."

We heard something knocking harshly on the door as Saitama turned to listen.

"Class B Rank 7 hero Saitama! Come out at once! Class B Rank 1 hero Lady Hellish Blizzard would like to speak with you!" Someone yelled beyond the door as Saitama stood up and set me back on the bed, answering the door.

One punch man! (Saitama x reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now