Bonus Chapter 3 - How I handled my powers

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Dedicated to my lifelong best friend and crush (different people ^^)


The first time I got my powers, it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows, it was in fact, the complete opposite.

"(Y/n), calm down..." I glared at Saitama, seeing a crack in the wall behind him.

"Calm down??? How am I supposed to calm down?!" I nearly screamed, feeling tears stream down my face as he held my head softly, kissing my forehead.

"I swear we're going to get through this." I felt my body go limp as Saitama hugged me.

After my second outburst, I thought that was the end of it.

Boy I was so wrong.

"You want me to what?!" I screamed at my uncle as he glared at me.

"Don't you raise your voice at me." His words cut through the air as I shut my mouth quickly. "I set up a few dates for you to meet promising men to marry."

"But you know I love Saitama."

"That man is nothing but a hindrance to this family."

"What's left of this family..." I mumbled, noticing Uncle glare at me.

"I will not allow you to marry that good for nothing. Your parents may have loved him but they're gone. You answer to me now." I clenched my fist, trying to calm down. "Now go get ready, the car is already waiting for you."

I got up and bowed, running to my room as I broke everything in a fit of rage.

At that time, I loved my Uncle just as much as my relatives. That is, until I found out he was the one who caused the accident of my parent's death. Let's just say things didn't go smoothly after I found out, and there was a giant rift between our family.

I followed my uncle's orders, getting ready and meeting my date at a fancy restaurant.

"Miss (L/n), you look absolutely beautiful!" I bowed in respect before cringing as the man pulled me into a hug.

"T-Thank you, Mr. Sakima, shall we sit?" I offered as he nodded, pulling my chair out for me before sitting in his own chair.

To be honest, that guy was disgusting. All he did was talk about his travels and houses and didn't even pay for the bill in the end. But that wasn't even the worst part.

"So Miss (F/n), do you have any hobbies?" I put down my glass of wine smiling at him.

"Dancing and reading." I said in a sweet voice, throwing up in my mind.

"Reading is boring, but dancing? Do you think your can show me some of those moves tonight?" He grinned smugly as I stared at him in shock, hearing someone cough harshly from a nearby table.

"You know what, I've had enough of this. I don't even know what to say." I began to stand up as he was confused.

"What do you mean! Ah, you don't know what to say as in you're interested?" He smiled as I stared at him, feeling my pent up anger resurface in waves.

"Actually I do have something to say." I started, grabbing his tie and glaring at him. "Read my lips. You disgust me. Goodbye Mr. Sakima."

I released his tie, wiping the hand on a napkin before feeling him grab my wrist, preventing me from leaving. "I've never met such a firecracker like you. You're coming with me."

He started to drag me out of the restaurant as I tried to pull my wrist out of his hand. "Let go of me!"

We walked out of the restaurant as he threw me into a car and drove off, loosening his tie. "You're quite rude Miss (L/n), tempting me with your body the whole night."

One punch man! (Saitama x reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now