The Glass Bat

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This whole episode made no sense to me.

It was just a bunch of stuff happening all at the same time, and the reader going with Saitama to the event didn't make sense to me, so I changed pretty much about 60% of the episode.

It had to be done, otherwise I would've had to skip over it and I didn't want to, so...

Oh well!

Also, (r/c) means random color



Pitch black darkness.

Nothing except the sound of water beneath my feet.

It's cold.

"(Y/n), come on!" I turned towards Saitama's voice, trying to look for him but just saw more darkness. "(Y/n), we don't have all day!"

"Saitama!" I yell.

"Fine, we'll go ahead then." I screamed as I couldn't hear his voice anymore, just the sound of splashing water.

"Idiots." I mumbled, kneeling into the water as it soothed me a bit.

"Found you~"

I woke up screaming, immediately stopping as I saw Genos next to me. "(Y/n)-sensei?!" I stare at him, feeling tears collect in my eyes as I trapped him in a bone-crushing hug.

"Genos, what happened?" He gave me some tea to help calm me down.

"Well, after hearing that Saitama was going to the martial arts tournament posing as Charanko, you fainted from shock and exhaustion." I rubbed my eyes, staring at the cyborg as he scanned my levels. "I'll make some breakfast, today might be just an errand day for you from what happened yesterday."

I shivered at the mention of it, fixing the bed and turning on the TV.

"The proclaimed 'Human Monster Ga—" I quickly turned off the TV, settling with reading manga until breakfast is ready.

Genos set the table, glancing at me a few times as we were ready to eat. "(Y/n)-sensei." I glanced at him as he looked at his food. "What happened with Gar—"

"Don't mention his name please." I whispered as Genos waited for me to continue. "It was the first time I've ever felt powerless against someone like him. It was terrifying."

"Do you have a reason as to why?"

"I have no idea, maybe I'm just weak." I said partly to myself.

"(Y/n)-sensei, the things you've all fought before were all monsters. What if it's because he's a human?" I dropped my chopsticks, gawking at Genos. "Or another reason could be that you've had a history with him before."

"Holy shit Genos." I immediately grabbed my stuff, hugging Genos as I left the apartment. "See you later!"

"(Y/n)-sensei, wait—" I closed the door, deciding to get gifts for Saitama and the heroes at the hospital instead of facing my problems.

"30,000 yen please." I paid the cashier, leaving with a bunch of gifts for different people.

"If Saitama won't be done until nighttime with the tournament, I'll go to the hospital first." I arrived at the hospital, deciding to meet with Mumen first, but he wasn't in his bed.

"(L/n)-san?" I looked over in the second bed and smiled seeing Tank-Top Master.

"Hello! I wanted to check up on you guys after what happened." I explain, setting the fruit and gifts on the table. "How are you doing?"

One punch man! (Saitama x reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now