The Worker of the Universe

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Once upon a time, there was a man who had everything, and a woman who did not. The woman was living in the streets, trying to survive, as the man bathed in riches.

One snowy day as the man was taking a stroll in the park, he spotted the woman nearly freezing to death with a cloth blanket. The woman felt his state and locked eyes with him, pleasing for her life to be saved.

Now although this man had everything, he was missing one vital thing that without it, made his life boring. He didn't have love.

As this man stared into the woman's eyes, he felt something that hurt. It was his heart.

The woman peaked the man's interest and he knew he had to make her his. So the man took the woman into his care, with the woman being forever in his debt.

As they went through their love-sick lives, they finally got married and had a child. Everything was perfect, or so we thought.

The woman kept a secret from the man. She was not a human.

Once the child was birthed, creatures came for the woman and baby. The man was devastated to hear the truth from his wife.

The man sadly did not accept the truth, running away with the child as the woman was left behind, killed by her comrades. The man changed his name and have away the child to be rid of his past.

"So why are you telling me this story?" I glare at the purple Cyclops, unaffected by the destruction of Saitama.

"Who is the child in that story?" Boros asks, making me roll my eyes.

"I dunno, your mom?" I joke, closing my mouth shut when he glared.

"No, the child in the story is you." I bust out laughing, holding onto a pillar for support.

"You're kidding right? I wasn't born with these powers, I'm a human." I emphasized, feeling a chill run down my spine when he laughed.

"Are you?" He sat back down on his throne as I moved closer. "Then tell me (L/n)(Y/n), where are you from?"

"Kyoto, Japan?" I guess, scoffing when he made a buzz sound.

"Wrong, it was (birthplace of place other than Japan). What's your father's full name?"

"Samuel (L/n)." I said without hesitation, backing up as he stood up and walked closer to me.

"Do you really know nothing? Where is your mother?"

"I don't have a mom." I answer before looking at the floor. "If my life is a whole lie, why don't I have powers?"

"You do have powers. I sent one of my subjects to trigger them inside you, awakening your true form." I fell to my knees holding my head in agony. Boros lifted my chin up, making me look at him. "Come with me, and we'll rule the galaxies together."

I almost gave in before remembering what Saitama said.

"I want us to settle down." My breathing stopped as he asked that before I flinched hearing Genos fall to the ground.

"E-E-Excuse me?" I stuttered, staring at him as he wasn't kidding.

"I think it's finally time for us to do that. After all this hero business and helping Genos climb to the top, we should quit and have a child. It was your dream of having some right?" Saitama explained as I felt my face get hotter.

"B-B-B-But we're only 25!" I yelled in embarrassment as he tilted his head.

"Isn't that a fine age for settling though?" He asked confused as I cleared my throat.

"Saitama, settling down takes a lot of commitment and responsibilities." I tried to reason with him, but he wasn't budging.

"I'm ready for that, Genos has been helping me understand all of that." I ran my hand through my hair again, feeling a smile on my face.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I whispered as he held my hands.

"I'm positive I want to do all of this with you."

"No, I can't." I moved his hand away from me, standing up.

"Why not? This is your destiny!" He yells at me as I smiled, hearing his footsteps.

"Destiny? What a load of shit." I faced Boros fully, feeling my eyes full with excitement. "Who cares about destiny when I have him?"

Not a second after I finished my sentence, Saitama blew the doors open as his bloodlust was coming off his body in waves. He looked around the room before spotting me and sighing.

"There you are (Y/n), I was worried about where you went." I tackle Saitama in a hug not caring about Boros watching. "A-Are you crying?"

"Yeah, I guess I'm relieved to see you again." I wipe my eyes, backing away from him.

"So are you the boss of these invaders?" Saitama asks, his voice echoing around the room.

"Wonderful!" Saitama and I question Boros silently as he continues. "Before we fight, let us exchange names. I lead the pirate band known as Dark Matter, and I am Dominator of the Universe. I am Boros."

Saitama wrapped his arm around me, introducing us. "We're heroes for fu-I mean, professional heroes. My name's Saitama, and this is (Y/n)."

Boros gave a glare at us before grinning wickedly. "Saitama..."

"Look, I don't know what the Denominator of the Universe wants with (Y/n) and Earth, but you sure trashed City A and made her cry." Saitama said, keeping an iron grip on my waist as I tried to break free.

"What I want with her and Earth?" Boros questions before walking closer to us. "There exists a prophecy."

"Prophecy? You mean..." Saitama trails off, letting Boros continue.

"Once I traveled the universe, ravaging everything in sight. But I was too strong. Eventually, there were none left who could face me. I came to know the torment of utter, all-encompassing boredom. Then one day, a seed told me... on a faraway planet, a being exists who is my match, one who could rekindle my passion for battle. With them, was a being who was wanted for hundreds of years for their god-like lineage. That was nearly twenty years ago. Have you any idea the distance I have traveled to get here? My men thought the prophecy was a ruse, made up to lure me away... but now I am certain. Come, give stimulation to my existence. That is why I am truly here!"

Saitama quickly let me go, throwing a punch that landed Boros into a pillar. "Are you stupid? You can't just go around attacking other planets just to liven up your boring life. Even telemarketers wouldn't think that." Saitama scolds as Boros pulled himself from the pillar, shedding his copper armor.

"This set of armor, used to seal in my immeasurable, irresistible power... has been broken." Boros exaggerates, making me laugh as Saitama was dumbfounded.

Boros crossed his arms, making the purple lines in his skin glow as he turned neon and navy colored. He exploded with electricity, sending waves of wind and rocks at us as we stood emotionless and unmoving.

"It's time!" He announces, bolting at us as I got pushed out of the way.


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