The Modern Anime Character

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-the next day-

I was sitting down watching TV when Saitama woke up scaring me. "Don't come asking to play rock, scissors, paper... with a booger on your finger!"

"Well good morning..." I greeted and took a sip of tea still watching TV.

"A dream?" I nodded and turned up the volume to hear it while making some coffee for Saitama.

"The terrorist group responsible for the riots call themselves the Paradisers." As I finished the coffee, Saitama got up and went to the sink to brush his teeth. "They have destroyed a high-rise building in City F. The situation seems to be spiraling out of control. We just learned the identity of their leader. Hammerhead is a B-class criminal... who has been involved in several violent incidents in the past. He is a man of large stature, standing 2.15m tall and weighing 210kg. According to one report, he once fought 20 men in a street brawl... and sent them all to the hospital. The Paradisers sent the following message to this TV station. "We will continue to riot until food, clothing and shelter... are provided free of charge to those who do not work."... amongst other unintelligible demands."

"Sounds boring." Saitama muffled out as he finished brushing. "No need for me to get involved."

"But they kinda look like you..." I replied as I took another sip of tea. "You match the description of the group."

"Like Hammerhead, the group is made up of unemployed young men... with no motivation to work. Also, the group members all have shaven heads... making them quite intimidating. Those who encounter any shaven-headed men on the street... are advised to leave the area immediately." I slowly looked over at Saitama as he was sweating.

"What? But that's-- they stole my look!" I finished putting on my suit as Saitama was putting on his still looking at the TV. "I spend all this time trying to be a hero... but if they keep acting up, I'll be treated like a villain!" I blushed looking at Saitama's determined face. "I'm gonna smash them! (Y/n), let's go!" I flew out as he started running towards City F.


"Ahh, it's a terrorist!" A man said as he looked at Saitama.

"No, I'm not!" I laughed slightly until I flew over to where the rock was hurled. A ninja and Hammerhead fighting? This will be interesting...

Hammerhead threw another rock at the ninja and he dodged quickly. He threw rock after rock until the ninja was trapped between them. I noticed he had a crazy smile on his face and he covered it up quickly before the hammerhead could see.

"You're just a little dog bought by Zeniru's money. You think someone like me, who fights for a noble cause-" Hammerhead started.

"Noble cause? If you call destroying a City a "noble cause"." Interrupting his speech, I noticed they didn't sense me the whole time I was watching them.

"Who are you? Are you another dog sent by him?" I scoffed at his question.

"As if I wanna be this thing." I saw the ninja's irk Mark appear when I pointed at him. "I wanna save the City, but that old man is always burning up father's money..." I smiled when the ninja got it.

"You're the past prime minister's daughter, (L/n) (Y/n)..." the ninja whispered.

"You got it! I've always wanted to know what bodyguard he bought to protect him from my big brother since you've already killed my father... Speed of sound Sonic, wasn't it?" My smiled widened when he realized he killed the prime minister. "You didn't know you killed him?"

"He never told me. How do you know my name?"

"I would worry about that poser in front of you before worrying about how I know you." I watched how their fight ended with Sonic throwing a knife at Hammerhead.

One punch man! (Saitama x reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now