The Monster Submission

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Sorry this one is so late, I kinda got distracted by my new ukulele and the fact that it's getting harder and harder to follow the anime (I might switch over to the manga to make it easier)

It doesn't help either that I've never watched season 2, so I'm writing this completely blind...

Anyways, enjoy!


Pitch black darkness.

Nothing but the sound of water as I move through it.

It hurts.

'Why do I keep having this dream?' I thought, moving my feet around the water.

"(Y/n), you've become weak." I shivered from the deep voice from out of nowhere. I felt a presence behind me and turned around seeing a giant shadow of a monster sitting on a throne. "But I can change that."

"How? Half of my powers are gone after the core broke." I questioned, feeling a very strong urge to run away.

"Did you really think your powers are coming from that little ball? You've really fallen low now, dear (Y/n)." He gave off an uncomfortable aura each time he talked.

"If you're so sure, then tell me how to get them back!" I yelled at the monster at this point, not caring who he is or what he can do.

"Simple, just kill yourself, and let your monster side take over." I stared at him in disbelief.

"Seriously? You're telling me to kill myself to become stronger?" I said out loud but questioned myself. "Wow, I've really sunk low then if I get dreams where a monster is telling me to give up my life and kill myself to get stronger."

"It's your decision. But from where your powers stand at the moment, you won't survive for long." I flinched a bit at his words before seeing streaks of light burst through the darkness. "Good luck."

As I held up my arm from the light, I looked over at the monster and paled. A terrifyingly giant monster sat upon a throne with dead soulless eyes boring into my own.

"(Y/n)-sensei!" I sat up from where I was, noticing I was back at home with Genos in front of me. I held my head, laying back down as he gave me a glass of water.

"How long was I out?" I asked, trying to look outside to guess the time.

"Only a few minutes thankfully. Saitama-sensei ordered me to make sure you stay here, but the Hero Association asked me to go help with the monster situation in multiple cities." I flinched from the mention of monsters, knowing Genos noticed. "What's wrong?"

"I-I need to get stronger, but I don't know how." I lied to him as he smiled, giving me the martial arts tournament ticket.

"I'm not expecting you to stay here after all we've been through, but instead of fighting monsters, go support Saitama-sensei. He might be the strongest, but he's still trying to make himself stronger in another way." I looked up at Genos, pulling him into a hug as he patted my back. "I'll be off now (Y/n)-sensei."

"Don't die out there, I'll make hotpot tonight." I warned him as he bowed, walking out of the apartment. "How will I be able to face Saitama like this?"

I groan into the blankets, flopping back down onto the bed as I got a text message from Saitama. 'Hey, you alright? I know I'm at this tournament, but if you need me I'll leave immediately.'

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