The Resistance of the Weak

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This was a super hard episode to do...

Like, the amount of fighting and dialogue is unreal

Anyways, enjoy!


I tapped my foot impatiently as the Martial Arts awards ceremony took place. Everyone crowded around Suiryu as he held the check and giant trophy effortlessly. "Congratulations on winning the championship, Suiryu! There was a slight mishap in the final, but in the end, you won unscathed!"

'Unscathed? That's bullshit.' I thought, listening to the announcer.

"And now, an announcement for stadium attendees. We have been informed that monsters have appeared outside." I knew telling them would bring some sort of panic, but gawked as they didn't seem fazed in the slightest.

"This is really bad. Where the hell is he?" I bit my nail, trying to figure out where Saitama went before I heard a whistle.

"What's got you so worried about? Your face looks cute when it's like that!" I sighed, turning to see Suiryu as he had his smile again. "Don't worry, I'll definitely protect you from the monsters."

"Yeah, right. The only one who could do that is the guy who just scurried off after defeating you." I knew my words hurt, but I tried to focus on the monsters as they flew above the stadium. "And this is why I should've stayed home."

People started freaking out as three giant crows landed on the platform holding hostages. "Th-The competitors that were taken to the hospital!"

"I-I'm fucking out of here!" One of the fighters turned and ran away. "You guys take care of those things! Enjoy!"

"S-Stop!" I yelled and froze, seeing him get pummeled by the real threat here. "Shit, there's too many people here..."

He walked towards the platform with a booming voice as people screamed. "Have we got all the tournament fighters?" He cracked the platform under his feet as he scanned the group. "Hmph, nothing but scrubs here. How martial arts have fallen. Whatever. All of you... will become monsters!"

"You're actually joking, right?" I tried to stall for time as more and more people escaped the stadium.

"(Y/n), what the hell are you doing?!" I heard Suiryu as I looked the monster straight in the eyes.

"S Class (L/n), huh... you'd be a great monster, but I'm not here for you, yet." He looked back at the group with piercing magenta eyes. "Even you, the refuse of the martial arts world, could be made useful if you became monsters."

I inaudibly screamed as Lightning Max and Snek stepped up. "Become monsters, you say? You'll have to go through us heroes, first!"

The monster took no time to defeat them as they launched out of the stadium with a single kick. I resisted the urge to go after them, focusing on the monster instead. He lifted up his hand, shielding his eyes as he tried to spot them.

"Did I kill them?" His voice was monotone. "No matter. I have not come here to take your lives today! I am Goketsu, from the Monster Association."


"The champion of the first Super Fight?!" the announcer filled in for everyone who didn't know, basically me.

"That you know who I am simplifies things. You understand how futile resistance would be." This "Gokotsu" sure knew how to make himself intimidating. Now, all we need is some sort of kicker.

"But Goketsu was killed years ago by a monster! How could you be him?!" And there it is, the announcer coming in with some damned question.

"It's true that I was once beaten by a monster and taken to the monsters' lair. But there, in exchange for my cooperation, they offered everything I could want in order to satisfy my ambitions! Becoming a monster allowed me to break through those limits I could never overcome as a human." This is some fucked up story if he's trying to win the fighters over with his words. "You understand what that means? The Goketsu I once was is beneath comparison to the fighter I am!" He reached into his pocket, throwing some weird looking stress balls towards the group. "Now celebrate, for I have brought the same gift for you. You will eat these monster cells. Do so, and you'll become monsters yourselves. Refuse and you'll be killed."

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