Unyielding Injustice

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Before they could ask questions, I quickly took off, heading straight for the Evacuation Center after seeing a giant blast from there knowing it was Genos. Sensing something was wrong, I busted through the roof, blocking the acid hit with my shield from the girl and Genos.

"(Y/n)-sensei!" Genos yelled as I smiled at him and glared at the monster. I heard a bunch of cheers as I helped Genos up looking at the damage.

"So you're the Seafolk leader?" I asked politely, walking up to him as he grinned at me.

"Why yes, I--" Before he could finish his response, I punched him out of the dome, looking at him with a dead look as Genos came up next to me.

"Don't push yourself (Y/n)-sensei, use me--"

"Genos, a hero doesn't use another hero to save themselves. Saitama will be here any minute now." I cut him off, smiling as he stared at me in shock. "Help the citizens and the heroes, I can't stall him for long."

I walked up to the monster as he lifted himself up. "Wow, you sure pack a punch for a small woman!" I punched him again as I felt his blood on my cheek.

"Stop talking and just die." I mumbled, kicking his side as he rolled over. Before I could pack another punch in, Mumen Rider threw his bike at the monster and stood next to me in a fighting stance. "The hell? Wait, where's Saitama?!"

"He'll be here, but now I'm here to help you!" Mumen announced as I stared at him in confusion before shock as he ran up and threw a punch.

"Just when I found a good opponent, another soldier shows up. I'm bored already." The Seafolk leader said as I gasped and pushed Mumen out of the way, taking the punch for him.

"(Y/n)-sensei!" I heard Genos yell as I flew back before catching myself. I looked up to see Mumen Rider fly away like a ragdoll as my blood boiled.

"No one interferes!" I screamed out, running up and kicking him in the face, making him slide a few feet away.

He immediately got up, grinning like a madman as my fear finally realized what he's been doing. I cursed to myself as Mumen ran up to him again only to get slapped away. The monster turned to me with a smile as I felt my powers slowly going down.

"Had enough already? My turn then." Before I could even blink he punched me into the wall as I got up quickly. "Heh, I guess you are a formidable foe." I smirked to myself, knowing I broke his wrist before seeing it snap back in place.

He kicked me as I flew before looking up and seeing him knee me straight in the stomach, making me want to puke. I fell onto the ground, gasping for air as he slowly walked up and frowned.

"I guess the good things must always come to an end." He mumbled to me before lifting up both of his fists and slamming them down onto my chest, almost making my heart stop.

I felt the tears come down my face as I couldn't move anymore, seeing the Sea monster almost finish Genos and Mumen Rider. As I felt my eyes slowly closing, I saw a white cape in front of me. I felt the familiar bloodlust from him as I smiled, feeling him kiss me on the forehead.

"You did fine. Nice fight." Saitama whispered, looking back up at the monster as I tried to keep my eyes open.

"Yet another piece of garbage washed up on my shore?" The sea monster questioned as Saitama looked over to Genos.

"Hey, Genos? Are you still alive?!" Saitama asked worryingly as I laughed a little from his concern.

"Hey, Sea monster." I called out as he turned to me with a surprised look. "Your punch didn't kill me, do it again, I dare you."

One punch man! (Saitama x reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now