The Lone Child

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After breakfast I watched TV looking for some bad guys to fight while Saitama watered the cactus. "What could be the cause of the massive mosquito outbreak this year? We ask Mr. Kafetch, a mosquito expert who has written several books on the subject. 'Thank you for having me. Well, let me come right to the point. These mosquitoes belong to an entirely new species. Therefore, I know nothing about them.' 'Get out! Ah, excuse me. Now, let's take a look at the areas likely to be hit hardest by the outbreak.'"

"Man, City Z's in their path!" I groaned, hating mosquitoes for live.

"Now we've got a mosquito outbreak?" Saitama said as he walked onto the patio.

"We interrupt this program for breaking news. A large swarm of mosquitoes has been sighted in City Z. Mummified remains of attacked farm animals have also been found." I spit out my drink looking at the dried out cows dead on the screen. "If you encounter a swarm of mosquitoes, flee immediately."

I was cleaning up the mess until I heard Saitama grab the bug spray and chase a mosquito somewhere. "That idiot..." I grabbed some extra clothes just in case since he didn't put on his suit and left the house following after him.

"Get back here, dammit! You and I aren't done yet! It's in my mouth! Pft! Pft! You little-!" I flew towards Saitama's voice.

"Saitama! It's just a tiny mosqui-" I looked up to see a giant swarm of mosquitoes centered around a woman. "What the hell did you do?!"

"I didn't do anything! What's that swarming over there. It's... mosquitoes?!"

"You two over there." I looked over at the cyborg questioningly. "Evacuate now. That swarm is conscious. If it senses you, it will immediately attack."

"Seriously? That's bad. I gotta get-" before Saitama could finish, I felt power from the swarm and looked back inside to see the woman getting more powerful. Then the swarm got closer and closer to us until it completely engulfed us and everything around. Before I could do anything, the cyborg burned up all the mosquitoes and Saitama's clothes.

"Woah." I looked around in the fire to see a naked Saitama smirking at me. "H-Here's some clothes." I stuttered looking away from his body.

"Since you spoke, I thought you would have at least human-level intelligence. But you were just a bug. You brought all the mosquitoes together into one, easy-to-burn swarm. When I spotted you, I confirmed there were no living beings within 500 meters, so I should have been free to fire away. Wait, that guy and woman might have-"

"Man, you saved us. You're amazing. What was that just now? You totally made them bug out! Ba-dum-tsh." I facepalmed myself at Saitama's pun.

"Put some damn clothes on! Oh, don't worry about us." I looked over at the cyborg until Saitama still wouldn't take the clothes.

"Oh, I was just trying to make a joke about the mosquitoes being bugs, and..." Saitama trailed off as we looked up to see the woman laughing crazily.

"Idiot! I no longer need the tiny ones. I mean," as she cut off her own words, she swiped a building for it to crumble. "Look... how strong I've become!!" In a flash, she appeared behind the cyborg and cut him. Before he could land a strike, she threw him up into the air and said, "Can't your punches kill a little mosquito? Weakling! I think I'll have your head next!"

"Saitama, can you kill a little mosquito?" He smirked at my words, jumped up and smacked the mosquito before the cyborg self-destructed, killing her immediately. I caught the cyborg before he hit the ground and put him down carefully.

"Mosquitoes... suck!" I laughed at his terrible joke and threw his clothes at him.

"Ok, that one was good." He put on the clothes and before we could leave, the cyborg stopped us.

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