The Weakest Hero?

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I felt myself lose footing as I turned to see Saitama blocking Boros's punch. Boros was only focusing his punches on Saitama with a wicked smile as I watched the battle in awe. Saitama blocked all of them with ease before getting pushed back. Boros ran after him like an animal as Saitama ran away backwards? But then the crazy alien dude finally caught up and flew around Saitama like an annoying fly.

Saitama kept blocking before flying back and coming up with a punch. But of course Boros had the same idea, making a giant explosion where their fists connected. I felt myself get pushed back a little from the force as I held onto the floor. Saitama landed on his feet unscathed as Boros landed down with an arm missing.

"Holy shit..." I whispered, noticing that Saitama barely let loose.

"Though my true power has been unleashed... you are still able to keep up." Boros said, turning to look at Saitama as he did the same.

"Yeah. You're pretty strong too." Saitama admits, staring at Boros emotionless as they exchanged looks before going at it again.

I couldn't even comprehend what was happening as Boros threw punches and Saitama kept blocking them. They moved around like ribbons, bumping into each other and twirling around again. Boros punched Saitama into a bunch of pillars as he broke five before stopping at six.

"Saitama!" I yell, seeing him fit snug into the hole he made.

Boros came running up before crashing into a pillar and kicking Saitama, but before he could land the hit, Saitama dodged it before jumping away from him. They ran up a pillar as I only could tell what was happening by Boros's streak of hot pink. They broke through the ship, landing on the top as I flew up to watch. I made it just in time to see Boros power up for another super move as Saitama was unimpressed.

"Now to release the destructive energy held within me!" Boros shot a huge energy ball at Saitama as he didn't move one inch. The balls of steel on this man is insane. "Any normal creature hit by it would find their bones vaporized!"

I flew out of the way as a giant wave of fire engulfed Saitama in an instant. It sent a giant shock wave around the ship as I covered my eyes before looking up to see Saitama get up in the flames unaffected. I couldn't react in time as Boros appeared behind him and punched his right cheek, blowing all the fire and smoke away in a flash. I flew back down onto the ship, staring at Saitama in what felt like fear.

"You were a worthy opponent... but the outcome of this battle is clear. My species won the struggle to survive amidst the harsh environment of our home world. We posses the ultimate in regenerative abilities. I, in particular, have self-healing power, physical prowess, and latent energy beyond your conception. A deep wound that would be fatal to you heals itself on me in mere moments.

By focusing all of my energy on my destroyed arm... I can explosively speed up the healing process." His shoulder started to shake before it grew itself back within seconds. "Good as new. You, on the other hand, will only get injured more while your stamina gradually decreases—"

"Shut up." Saitama's voice cut through Boros's boasting about power like a knife. "Blah, blah, blah. Are you done... with this?"

I took a step back, getting chills up and down my spine looking at Saitama's face. Boros stared in silence before going super saiyan again like Goku.

"Not yet!" A giant force field surrounded Boros as Saitama stood his ground. I covered myself behind some rocks as black lightning struck up in different areas. "Meteoric Burst!"

Boros shot towards Saitama like a rocket as he only blinked before getting punched fully to the face. A beam of pink and black light shot out of Boros's fist, melting the ship as I flew up to avoid it. Saitama kept taking the punches head on as Boros flew him around the top of the ship, leaving melted metal in his wake. Alien Goku then had enough and kicked Saitama up into space as I squinted my eyes trying to find him.

One punch man! (Saitama x reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now