The Obsessive Madman

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As the gorilla was explaining, I toned out his voice until Saitama yelled.

"This is taking too long! What's this got to do with me and (Y/n)? You're just trying to act cool again. Just get to the point, okay?" I snickered at their death glares.

"My Master is a busy man. Summarize it in 20 words or less." Genos said.

"I would do it if I were you." I finished looking at the gorilla.

"I-- I'm sorry. So in other words, my boss has become very curious about your body." The gorilla explained.

"I have a girlfriend." I laughed looking at Saitama's seriousness.

"I think you misunderstood, master. He plans to use your body, which surpasses normal human limitations... for his research on evolution. If we don't do something, I'm sure he'll try again. We cannot allow him a free hand. Our move should be to attack him." Genos explained. As they were talking, I bent down to the gorilla and talked to him.

"If he wants Saitama for evolution research, why does he want me?" I asked.

"I think as a lover." I paled noticing that Saitama heard us.

"I won't let him have (Y/n). Let's go!" Saitama said with anger. I blushed and followed him.

"Okay. Now?!" Genos yelled.

"Yeah. There's a sale on tomorrow. Can't do it then." I took the paper and looked at it.

'Should I say something? Nah, I wanna see his face when he realizes today is Saturday.' I thought. As we were going, I saw Genos question the gorilla one more time before we left.


"I didn't think we'd be running the whole way." Genos said.

"How else are we gonna get there?" Saitama questioned.

"I was sure you could fly or something like (Y/n)." I quietly laughed as I was flying above them.

"Humans can't fly, you know."

"Then (Y/n) isn't human?" I puffed out my cheeks when Genos said that.

"She is, just... different from a normal human like me."

"It's amazing that you guys are never late. You are true heros." I laughed.

"No we aren't. We hardly ever arrive on time." I notified Genos.

"We're here. This is the place Gorilla told us of." I landed next to them and looked at the building.

"So this is the House of Evolution. One, two, three, four, five, six... looks like it's about eight stories high." Saitama said.

"Genos, go long!" I lifted up the building and threw it behind me as Genos blew it up. "So much power, impressive!"

"What was that all of a sudden?" I smiled at Saitama as Genos explained.

"Yes, we decided it would be most efficient to destroy them all in one swoop." I looked behind me as the whole side of the mountain was gone.

"Woah! I give that a 9.5/10! You got .5 deducted for not worrying about all the wildlife living on the mountain." I announced as Genos bowed.

"Thank you, Sensei!" I blushed slightly as Saitama laughed.

"P-Please don't say it so loudly..."

"Well, that's true but... we could have at least seen what the bad guys had in store for us. That was kind of mean." Saitama said worryingly as we looked around. "Looks like there's a basement." Saitama lifted up the door and we walked in. "The basement is huge. I'm getting kind of fired up."

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