~Chapter 1: Sneaking Out~

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~Chapter 1: Sneaking Out~

Dawn light shone into the nursery, right onto Turtlekit's face. She sneezed, forcing open her eyes into a squint. Her ears pricked and she looked around. Otterkit and Falconkit laid next to eachother, Goldenfur not far away. Yawning, Turtlestar lifted her small body. Meadowbreeze padded into the nursery, running her tail along Turtlekit's spine as she entered. "Good morning sweetie." she purred, walking to her back corner withourt waiting for a reply. The queen's stomache was as plump as ever. Turtlekit yawned. She padded over to her mother, slipping under her golden paw. Turtlekit smiled and made herself comfortable. Goldenfur simply grunted, mumbling something, still fast asleep.


Blinking open her eyes, Turtlekit yawned. She looks around. Otterkit was playing with Falconkit, with Meadowbreeze faithfully watching while Goldenfur was out hunting. Turtlekit wondered why she wasn't in her usual nest, but noticing that she was in her mother's brought the memory of snuggling in with her earlier flooding back. She got up, stretched, and padded cautiously out of the den. Luckily Meadowbreeze was too busy to notice her absence.


Once out of earshot of the nursery, Turtlekit squealed. "Today is the day!" she thought excitedly, "Today I get to see the camp!" Turtlekit's mind was so wrapped up in the possibilities if meeting the clan that she didn't notice Breezepaw running towards her. Unfortunately Breezepaw didn't notice Turtlekit either, and the two she-cats collided. Turtlekit was thrown to the ground by the collision. "Ouch!" she squeaked, rubbing her head and looking up at Breezepaw. "I-I'm sorry." Breezepaw said quickly, helping Turtlekit up. Turtlekit dipped her head to her politely as her mother had taught her. "It's okay. My brother Falconkit and I do that all the time! I'm-" "Turtlekit. I know." Breezepaw cut her off, smiling slightly.


"How-how'd you know?" Turtlekit asked, her eyes questioning. Breezepaw laughed. "News gets around pretty quick when new kits are born." she informed. Turtlekit smiled. "So everyone knows my name?" she asked, excitedly looking around at her fellow clan mates who passed by the two without noticing them. "Well... Not everyone." Breezepaw said, looking around too. After a few seconds she brightened. "But they will once you come out of the nursery more!" Turtlekit jumped up in the air in joy, paws flailing. Breezepaw's smile faded though, as she studied the kit. "Is this your first time out? You look a little young." she meowed.


Turtlekit's eyes clouded. "I..um... snuck out." But before Breezepaw could reply, Goldenfur rushed over to the scene. "Turtlekit?" she gasped, staring at her daughter. "Uh...hi mum." Turtlekit said, lowering her head and pawing at the ground. Goldenfur cast a disapproving look at Breezepaw before picking up Turtlekit by the scruff and carrying her into the nursery.


Turtlestar's Destiny: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now