~Chapter 11: Border Trouble~

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~Chapter 11: Border Trouble~

"Turtlepaw?" Hollowstep's voice snapped Turtlepaw awake. She blinked open her eyes, and looked around. She still wasn't used to the apprentice den she was now sleeping in. Otterpaw and Falconpaw were still sleeping, but everyone else was gone. Turtlepaw yawned, realizing she and her littermates got to sleep in because this was there first full day as an apprentice. "Turtlepaw. come on!" Hollowstpe's voice brought her back to reality once again. She hurried out of the den, giving her pelt a quick lick. "What now?" she asked her mentor. "Hunting practice. Snakeleg, Frogpaw, and Cottonpaw are already waiting for you!" he growled. She blushed mumbling sorry and rushed over to the three waiting cats. Hollowstep reached them, flicking his tail. Snakeleg dipped his head akwardly to the older warrior and led the group out.


Turtlepaw stayed in the back of the group, but she enjoyed the fresh air. It seemed like she could never get enough of the outside world. Frogpaw slowed his pace until he was walking side by side with her. His eyes shined and he smiled. "I'm Frogpaw." he mewed shyly. She smiled back at him, glad to be making friends with a fellow apprentice besides Pebblepaw. "Nice to meet you Frogpaw." she replied, slightly dipping her head. there was silence for a few seconds, then Frogpaw spoke up. "Hey, do want to go hunting together?" he offered. She grinned and nodded excitedly.


Once they had departed from the group, Turtlepaw and Frogpaw walked deeper into Windlclan territory, heading for the lake. "I hear there are lots of voles there." Frogpaw had said, "They're my favorite." "I thought frogs would be your favorite." Turtlepaw joked, nudging him playfuly on the shoulder. He chuckled. "I'm not a stinky Shadowclan cat!" They soon reached the lake. It's water shimmered against the blue sky, and fish created ripples in it. Frogpaw lifted his nose into the air, and Turtlepaw pricked her ears. "There's a vole right over there." Frogpaw whispered, flicking his tail in the direction of some reeds and dropping into a hunting crouch. He started to snake forward. Turtle paw was impressed by his skill as he pounced, landing on it and nipping its neck quickly. He padded back to Turtlepaw with it held proudly in his mouth. He dropped the prey, kicking some dirt over and turning back to Turtlepaw. "Your turn." he said, grinning.


Turtlepaw could feel her cheeks growing warm. She smiled nervously, for this was only her second hunting trip. She tasted the air as Frogpaw had done, tracking a rabbit farther away from the bank. She lowered herself to the ground and started to stalk it. After she was close enough, she gathered her haunches, and sprang. She was off target though, and it darted when she landed. Gritting her teeth, she recovered and took off after it. As her paws pounded against the soft ground she truly felt like a Windclan cat. Turtlepaw could hear Frogpaws yells from behind her but ignored them.


The terrain was getting thicker around her, but Turtkepaw didn't notice. She chased after the rabbit, but was running out of breath. It scrambled over a log, and she leaped after it, clearing the wood just barley. Fortunately she landed ontop of it, killing it instantly. She bent over to pick it up, but a strange scent met her nose. She looked up to see a cat appear out of the bushes. It's claws were unsheathed, and it's black fur britsling. Turtlepaw straightened, and unsheathed her claws, nervous and unsure what to do. She relaxed when an older cat followed the black furred one, placing her tail in front of him. "What are you doing in Thunderclan territory?" Turtlepaws heart dropped. She looked downwards at the dead rabbit that rested at her paws. Yes, this indeed did not look good for her.


"I-it...um...." She studdered, staring into the Thunderclan she-cat's cold stare. She stiffened as two more cats followed them out of the bushes. "What's going on?" A silver she-cat with a unusual blueish-gray tail and paws started, but stopped when her eyes rested on Turtlepaw. A white apprentice saw her too and growled, unsheathing his claws, ice blue eyes flashing. Turtlepaw raised a paw defensively, ready to strike out at any cat who attacked. But the tom's mentor silenced him quickly, and casting one last glare at Turtlepaw, the apprentice retreated behind her. Suddenly, Turtlepaw smelled familiar cats behind her. Hollowstep, Frogpaw, and Snakeleg stepped out of the bushes, stopping next to Turtlepaw. "What's the meaning of this?!" The first warrior snarled, facing Hollowstep. He dipped his head to the black and white she-cat. "Blackleg, I assure you it was a simple mistake." "Fine. But we want the prey back." The silver warrior spoke up. "Of course Skytail" Hollowstep replied, dipping his head and pushing the rabbit over to her paws. "Speaking of prey," Blackleg hissed, "Thunderclan needs more. We're willing to do whatever it takes to get it. And apparently," she glanced menacingly at Turtlepaw, "So is Windclan." Hollowstep growled but stayed calm. "See you at the gathering." he gritted his teeth, flicking his tail and walking away. Turtlepaw cast one more glance at the Thunderclan cats, who picked up the rabbit and disappeared into the bushes. She shuddered, hurrying after her clanmates.


The group walked back in silence, Frogpaw carrying his vole, Hollowstep a rabbit, and Snakeleg two robins, and Turtlepaw nothing. She stayed in the back, her head lowered in shame. They reached camp quickly, for they had not gone far. Turtlepaw dragged herself to the apprentice's den, while Hollowstep reported the incident to Larkstar. She curled up in her nest, curling her tail over her nose. Her eyes teared up, and she sniffed. Soon the substituted to set. Turtlepaw watched as Larkstar climbed into hight rock. "The gathering is tonight,"she announced, and the clans ears pricked up, "The cats going are Beepelt, Pebblepaw, Snakeleg, Cottonpaw, Tigerstripe, Falconpaw, Hollowstep, Hawkfang, and Robinwing, and...." she paused, "Turtlepaw." Turtlepaw smiled slightly, and her heart leaped for joy. The cats announced got up, following Larkstar who jumped off high rock and walked towards the camp exit. Turtlepaw got up quickly and caught up with Falconpaw, brushing his pelt with hers. He smiled and the two bounded out of camp, followed by their clan mates.


By the time they reached the log to the island, Turtkepaw and her brother had their minds list in the wonders of meeting different clans. Turtlepaw worried Thibderclan would bring up how she had crossed the border earlier, but pushed that thought to the back of her mind. No, she would not let Thunderclan ruin this night for her.


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