~Chapter 29: A Strike~

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~Chapter 29: A Strike~

A few more days of training later, Larkstar called a meeting with all the warruors and apprentices. "It is time we attack." She announced, holding her head high. Turtlepaw and the other cats brightened. Finally! In the past few days their hunger for revenge had grown.


"Now, it is the element of surprise. I will lead a band of warriors to attack. Beepelt will lead another band to surround Thunderclan camp. Riverclan will be backup part way into the battle. Got it?" The leader mewed. Windclan nodded, it was a fairly simple plan.


"When do we attack?" Snakeleg asked. "Sundown." Larkstar replied. "Until then, don't go hunting or out into the territory. I want all my warriors in one place. You are dismissed." Larkstar dipped her head and the group departed.


Turtlepaw caught up with Hollowstep, slowing her pace to match his limp. After a few minutes of silence, Hollowstep spoke. "Are you nervous?" "Sorta." "Do you feel ready?" "Yeah." "Wrong. You're never ready for battle." He sighed, his expression hardening. Turtlepaw shut her mouth, sensing great pain coming from him.


Before long, sundown was upon them. Larkstar lept onto hight rock. "All cats who can catch their own prey, gather for a clan meeting!" With murmurs of excitement , Windclan hurried over. Turtlepaw stood beside her two litter mates. She hoped they wouldn't get hurt in the battle, especially fragile Otterpaw.


Suddenly, Turtlepaw scented Lakesong approaching. "Come with me," the medicine cat whispered in her ear. Turtlepaw sprang to her paws, following Lakesong to the back of the medicine den. Her litter mates barely seemed to notice, they were so keen to hear Larkstar's

announcement .


Lakesong lead Turtlepaw out of earshot from the clan. The excited mewing died away and Turtlepaw noticed birds chirping and the sounds of nature. "Sit." Lakesong ordered. Turtlepaw sat quickly, facing across from Lakesong.


"You can relax, this is about the-your- phrophecy." Lakesong mewed. Turtlepaw blinked. "What do you think it means?" "I think it may be warning us about the war we're about to rush into. Tell me if you see anything suspicious, anything at all. Got it?" Turtlepaw nodded, springing to her paws and running back to the clan meeting.


The clan meeting, however, was just about wrapping up. Warriors and apprentices were meeting by the camp exit to march to Thunderclan territory. Turtlepaw quickly joined them.


Without a word, the group headed out, leaded by Larkstar and Beepelt. They moved silently across Windclan territory, and then the boundary, and right up to Thunderclan camp. Turtlepaw's heart was in her throat and she swiveled her ears, trying to pick up even a trace of sound.


"Okay." Larkstar hissed, "I'll take Snakeleg, Pebblepaw, Hawkfang, and Sunstripe to attack. Beepelt, take everyone else to surround the camp. As soon as my group attacks, you rush in. Got it everyone?" They all nodded quickly. "Good," Larkstar growled, "Now take your positions. And keep an eye out for Ebonykit and Mudkit."


Turtlepaw crouched in her position just outside of Thunderclan camp, her heart pounding. She squinted into the bramble border that surrounded it, seeing figures of cats moving around. Ordinary clan talk rang through it. "You're think they're be more concerned." Turtlepaw thought, mentally rolling her eyes.


Larkstar's battle cry snapped her awake. Without even knowing what she was doing, and out of instinct, Turtlepaw sprang through the barrier, landing neatly in the camp. Meows of surprise came from the Thunderclan cats, and the warriors rushed into battle.


But Turtlepaw was more concerned for Ebonykit and Mudkit. She scanned the camp the best she could as the battle raged. Suddenly, she felt a stinging pain of claws down her side. Turtlepaw whipped around to face Icepaw. "You!" she hissed, unsheathing her claws.


He growled, tackling her. Turtlepaw fell with a grunt of surprise at the Thunderclan apprentice's swiftness. "I won't let him beat me again!" Turtlepaw thought angrily as Ixepaw's claws sunk into her back. She twisted, and rolled out from under the tom, springing to her paws and slashing at his haunches. He faced her, baring his teeth aggeesivly. Icepaw swiped at her ears, missing narrowly as Turtlepaw ducked. She quickly landed a blow, hitting him square in the chest, knocking him to the ground stunned.


"Help! Help!" Turtlepaw's ears pricked as she heard a faint mewling, a mewling she could recognize from anywhere....Ebonykit's mewling.

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