~Chapter 15: The Phrophecy~

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~Chapter 15: The Prophecy~

One moon had passed since the gathering, with no fights. The forest lay in peace, and so did the moors and marshes. A horrible storm stuck them though, blackening the sky and pelting rain and lightning down onto earth. Turtlepaw rushed into camp from a hunting patrol, heading for the nursery. She finally had some free time to go visit Meadowbreeze's kits. She hurried inside the nursery, but not before giving her pelt a shake. "Hello?" she whispered. "Hello honey." Meadowbreeze's sweet sing- song voice answered her. Her two kits bounded up to Turtlepaw jumping around her paws and tackling eachother. She chuckled. "What are their names?" The queen smiled. "This one is Mudkit." she mewed, pointing her tail to a brown she-cat. "And this one is Ebonykit." She gestured to Mudkits black furred sister. Turtlepaw nodded, and bent over, so she was facing Mudkit and Ebonykit. "Nice to meet you two. I'm Turtlepaw." she whispered, smiling. "Turtlepaw!" Ebonykit squeaking, pawing her in the nose. She giggled, straightening.


Suddenly, a yowl erupted from outside the nursery. Meadowbreeze herded her kits to the back of the den, her eyes wide. Turtlepaw raced out of the nursery, nearly colliding with Robinwing and Willowpaw were heading towards it. Turtlepaw skidded to a halt and she squinted through the rain. She squinted through it, eyeing strange cats rushing into her camp. "Thunderclan!" she growled, leaping into battle.


She attacked a black furred tom, raking her claws down his pelt. He hissed, whipping around to face her. He swiped at her ears, but Turtlepaw ducked, landing a blow on his chest. He was thrown to the ground, but recovered quickly and bawled her over, pinning her down. He faced her and sunk his claws into Turtlepaws shoulder, causing her to wince in pain. She wriggled out from under the bigger tom, clenching his tail in her mouth. He yowled, ripping it away. She dove for his feet, but he dodged and pinned her down again. Suddenly, he was thrown off of her. She got up, her shoulders bleeding slightly, and faced Pebblepaw. "Thanks," She murmured, darting deeper into the battle.


She spied Cottonpaw facing a young warrior know as Mousefur. The brown and white tom was small for his age, but bigger than Cottonpaw. He jumped ontop if her, pinning her down, and dug his teeth into her neck. She screamed as blood poured out. Turtkepaw's stomache jolted, and she acted quickly, leaping ontop of Mousefur, knocking him away from Cottonpaw who took the chance to scrabble away. He got up, and charged at her with surprising speed, sinking his teeth into her scruff, throwing her roughly to the ground then pinning her. "I like you." He muttered, drawing his face closer to hers so she could feel his hot breath. She rolled over, throwing him off and biting down on his hind leg. He yowled, and darted away once she released him.


She shakily got up, muttering something under her breath. She watched on horror as the battle flashed around her, and both Windclan and Thunderclan cats dropped to the ground. She was not safe for long though as a white flash bawled her over, sending her skidding across the ground. She grunted and heard an all too familiar laugh; Icepaw. She growled, getting up and facing him. He lashed his tail, licking the blood off his lips. "Thunderclan will have that territory!" he snarled, his blue eyes shining. "Never!" Turtlekaw yowled, charging at him. She took Icepaw by surprise, and pulled his hind legs out from under him. He fell to the ground as she pinned him down quickly. He hissed at her, throwing Turtlepaw off easily. He lunged for her throat, sinking his teeth into it as she crumpled to the ground. Turtlepaw blacked out.


Turtlepaw woke. She opened her eyes and groaned, pulling her sore body up, and was surprised when her wounds didn't sting. She blinked her eyes, squinting. Then, she looked to the right and gasped. She saw Windclan camp, still alive with battle. But what scared her most of all was her body, lying still on the ground. Icepaw stood over her, then backed away guiltily, darting out of camp and into Thunderclan territory. "Coward." She snorted. "Greetings, Turtkepaw." A silky voice made Turtlepaw whip around, to face a starry she-cat. "Are you a Starclan cat?" "Yes." "Am I dead?" "No." She sighed on relief, looking back down in her body, then back at the starry warrior, staring into her piercing blue eyes. "Then why am I here?" "Because you have a destiny like no other." A dark gray tom stepped out of the mist. She gasped. "Are you....?" "Crowfeather. Yes." The tom replied, his eyes softening. "And I am Heathertail. We have come to deliver you a phrophecy." Heathertail spoke up. "The moon will shine but the lake will bleed, and Greenleaf and Leafbare will have to work together." They chanted, making Turtlepaw's ears ring. "B-but I don't understand," she squeaked, "Why did you come to me and not Lakesong?" "Because you are part of the phrophecy." A brown tabby tom followed Crowfeather, joining the two. Turtlepaw recognized him as Onestar. "Me?" she gasped, facing him. "Yes. You must fullfill the phrophecy, or else all four clans will be lost forever." "So go," Heathetail whispered, "We will visit you again."


Turtlepaw woke with a start. She moaned as she felt a stinging in her neck and shoulders. Pebblepaw looked down at her, his flank scratched and one ear torn. "You're okay!" he gasped, blinking away tears, "I thought I had lost you!" She ignored him, looking around and shakily getting up. The battle raged around them, but started to die down when Wibdclan cats drove more Thunderclan cats away. "Thunderclan, retreat!" Volestar yowled, climbing onto a rock. His muzzle was slashed open and his shoulder was bleeding, no foubt the work of a victorious Larkstar. He cast one last glare at Larkstar and he and what was left if his clan departed. Larkstar flicked her tail and Robinwing and Eagkeclaw followed them to make sure they reached the border without taking any prey or sending another wave of warriors to attack. Larkstar relaxed. The clan sheathed their claws, some dragging themselves to the medicine cat den, done dropping to thevground, and others just standing still. Turtlepaw stood, her fur bristling, unable to sheath her claws. "It's okay." Pebblepaw's soft mew made her jump. He rested his tail in her shoulders. "That was your first battle. You did fine." "No, it's not that....when I fainted-" she cut off, biting her lip nervously. She didn't want to alarm Pebblepaw, and she didn't know if she was even allowed to tell anyone. She growled in frustration and stomped away towards the medicine cat den, and Pebblepaw watched her go frowning.


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