~Chapter 26: Kitnapping~

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~Chapter 26: Kitnapping~

Wolfheart's behavior during the battle training was reported to Larkstar. She has said he had probably learned his lesson, and then told Beepelt to keep a careful eye on him just in case he didn't. Turtlepaw had recovered from the fake battle quickly, and was back to her normal apprentice duties. She was assigned to change the moss in the warrior's den.


"Aw, come on Hollowstep!" she complained. "It's an apprentice duty." he dismissed her coldly as she started towards the warrior den, grumbling. She walked into the den. Everyone was out, that is, every cat except Wolfheart. He just laid there, staring at her. She blinked and started taking the moss out. "Look," he started, "Sorry about the training." She shrugged. "Whatever. You didn't know." Turtlepaw tryed to hide her annoyance. He watched her. "So what's your name again?" "Turtlepaw." she replied curtly. He nodded, resting his head down.


Suddenly, a scream broke out from the nursery. Meadowbreeze's scream. Both Wolfheart and Turtlepaw shot up, fur bristling. They raced out of the den, clawed unsheathed, Turtlepaw in the lead. A scene of discord met her eyes. A wave of horror washed over her as she heard Meadowbreesze's yells from over the commotion; "Help! Help! Thunderclan has got my kits!" Turtlepaw's heart caght in her throat as she saw a red she-cat she realized was vixentail, and a black one known as Bumblestripe, racing out of the camop with Windclan's kits Mudkt and Ebonykit clamped in their jaws. They weren't, however, followed because the clan was too busy fighting off the rest of Thunderclan, and didn't notice them escaping. 


 "Come on!" She cried to Wolfheart, racing out of camo and not waiting for a reply. she was relieved when she heard his pawsteps pounding behind her. Turtlepaw slowed, tasting the air. 'they went that way!" she growled, running through some undergrowth. Thunderclan's stench was getting stronger a they neared the slower cats. 


Soon, the kits' wailing was in rangertlepaw pricked her ears and quickened her pace determinedly. She soon caught sight of the Tunderclan cats. with one massive leap, landed herself on Bumblestripe's back, sinking her claws into his flesh,. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Wolfheart wrestling with Vixentail, who still had Ebonykit clamped in her jaws. "Be careful with the kits!" she called out to him. 


Bumbletail rolled over, throwing her to the ground. He glared at her and struck out with claws vicously at her chest. Turtlepaw felt a stab of pain and the wind was knocked out of her. "There's no way I can beat a senior warrior!" she thought, paniced. Bumblestripe, however, darted away, still having Mudkit. Turtlepaw turned, dismayed, and saw Wolfheart thrown to the ground with a  loud thud, and then Vixentail racing after Bumblestripe and disappearing into the heather. 


The guilt on Turtlepaw's heart was unbearable. "I could've gotten the kits back." she kept telling herslef ovefr and over on the way back to camp. Windclan camp was in ruins. Blood stained the ground, and the nursery wall wass slashed open. Injured cats laid on the ground. Lakesong was busy fixinga dislocated shoulder, and Breezepaw was running aroud camp, her mouth stuffed with herbs. 


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