~Chapter 2: The Report~

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~Chapter 2: The Report~

After a firm scolding from her mother and an apology for Meadowbreeze, Turtlekit went to lay in one of the back corners of the den, rearing her head on her paws sadly. Grounded. It would be a few more days before she could go out. Snorting, she rolled over, back facing her siblings and mother. A brown head popped into view right in front of her, startling Turtlekit. "Hi Turtlekit!" Otterkit squeaked, her blue eyes glistening. "Hey." Turtlekit said grumpily, flattening her ears. Falconkit, who was standing off to the side, looked sadly at Turtlekit, but said nothing. He padded away, and giving Turtlekit once last glance, Otterkit followed. Turtlekit watched them go, regretting her bad spirit.


The day came to a close. Turtlekit looked out the nursery, sitting in a comfortable position with her tail wrapped around her paws. sahwatched as Beepelt, Eagleclaw, Snakeleg, Willowpaw and Frogpaw bounded into the camp. A large she-cat approached them. An air of superiority told Turtlekit this was Windclan leader, Larkstar. She pricked her ears, straining to hear their converstaion.


"How'de it go?" Larkstar asked. "Thunderclan has crossed the border. Their scent line was about a day old." Beepelt repiled, a hint of menace in his voice, "Also, we found a fox scent. It's traveling closer to camp." Larkstar straightened. "Thank you Beepelt. We must take care of both problems immeadiently. I will announce it at the gathering" Larkstar mewoed through gritted teeth. Turtlekit wondered what what the she-cat meant.


Birds chirped in the morining at Windclan camp. Falconkit shook awake Turtlekit, who just rolled over and groaned. ":Come on, Turtlekit!" Otterkit mewed, bounding up to her siblings, "Today's the day!" Turtlekit was up immdeantly. She squealed, tackling falconkit, who mewed in surprise. Spotedpelt chuckled, padding into the nursery, looking proudly at his offspring. Goldenfur joined him, nudging his shoulder lovingly. "When do we get to go out mum?" Otterkit squeaked, running over to he mother's paws. She purred. "As soon as your littermates stop fighting." Falconkit and Turtlekit froze, stepping away from eachother and smiling hopefully at Golderfur.


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