~Chapter 7: Greencough~

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~Chapter 7: Greencough~

More days passed. Turtlekit and her litter mates found it harder to wait to become an apprentice, always mock fighting and hunting, and playing clan war. "I'm going to be Windclan!" Turtlekit announced, puffing out her chest. She did her very best impression if Larkstar; "All Windclan cats please come to highrock so we can plot our attack!" She cast and evil grin at Falconkit. Falconkit flattened his ears in disappointment. "I guesxil have to be Reedstar of Riverclan." he grumbled, licking a stone with his paw. Otterkit was now the lady one left. Her eyes shined as she growled, "I'm Quailstar of Shadowclan! And you guys are all going down! Rawr!!!" Turtlekit and Falconkit gasped as they had never seen this behavior for their quiet little sister, but burst out laughing, "And I'm Volestar of Thunderclan." Pebblepaw's familiar voice hit Turtlekits ears and she smiled, turning to face him, who grinned back at her. "Let the war begin!" she squeaked, jumping onto 'Volestar'


A few more hours of playing that tired the four out. They collapsed onto the ground, gasping for breath, yet giggling. Suddenly, the peace was interrupted. Cotton paw and Frogpaw padded up to the group, looking down at them. "Pebblepaw." Cottonoaw whined, drawing closer, "You're late for training!" Pebblepaw up and ready to go as if Cortonoaws words were magic. He followed her and Frogpaw out of camp. "See you kits later!" he called, winking at Turtlekit. The word 'kits' slashed at Turtlekits heart. She wished more than anything that she could be Cottonpaw, the one training with Pebblepaw, hunting with Pebblepaw, and battling side by side with Pebblepaw. She realized suddenly that this wasn't a wish, it was jealously. Part of her welcomed it, part of her tried to get rid of it. She was torn.


Turtlekit woke to the sight of Breezepaw talking hurriedly but in a hussd tone with the queens. Goldenfur and Meadowbreeze gasped, glancing at eachother. Turtlekit pricked her ears, trying to hear the conversation. "Just keep a close eye on them. If you see it, you know what to do." Breezepaw said in a sinister tone. Turtlekits heart filled with hottie as she wondered what Breezepaw could've meant. Before she could come to a conclusion, Breezepaw had rushed out and the queens had plastered fake smiles on their faces. "Good morning sweetie!" Goldenfur greeted her daughter, padding over and affectionately licked her head. Turtlekit badly wanted to know what Breezepaw was talking about, but if she faked than her mother would know she had been eavesdropping. She decided to keep quiet and let things play out, not something she normally did.


Later, Turtlekit snuck out into camp. Otterkit and Falconkit were still snoozing the day away. She rolled her eyes at the thought of the two. "Focus on your mission." she breathed, looking around. First, she sniffed that air. Normal, but there was something different about it. It reminded her of the medicine den. That was where she would investigate first. She trotted over, lifting up the branches with her head and entering.


Her entrance revealed quite a sight. There lay Beepepelt, Hawkfang, Spottedpelt, and Willowpaw all in seprerate nests on the ground. Lakesong was busy sorting herbs and feeding them to her patients, while Breezepaw sat and watched. The medicine cat apprentice noticed Turtlekit's presence and rested her tail on her shoulder. "What's wrong with them?" Turtlekit whispered, not being able to take her widened eyes off the sick cats. "White cough. A sickness. Not dangerous now, but it can be. If not treated, it'll turn into green cough, which turns into black cough......" she trailed off, shuddering. Turtlekit blinked at her, looking back at the cats. One was Spottedpelt, her father. She shivered, not wanting to think about him having black cough. "Is there a cure?" she finally whispered back to Breezepaw. She paused before replying, "Yes. There is a herb called cat mint. It is hard to find though, and the only known cure." Turtlekit nodded slowly. "Can I get near them?" "No! I mean, no. It's very contagious." was the reply. Turtlekit sighed and trudged out of the stuffy den.


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