~Prologue ~

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Crickets chirped. An owl hooted. The wind blew through the trees, as if Starclan was controlling it. The full moon shined on Windclan camp. Lakesong raced through the camp, the wind bellowing in her ears. Breezepaw hurried behind her, panting and struggling to keep up with the older medicine cat. There was a groan from inside the nursery. Lakesong grabbed some herbs and ran over, disappearing inside the den. Breezepaw sat outside, looking down at her paws. Spottedpelt paced outside the den, his eyes wide. "Will she be okay?!" he gasped, whipping around to face Breezepaw, for he had just noticed her presence. She nodded reassuringly. " Of course. Lakesong has never failed." she whispered, facing the entrance to the nursery where another yowl escaped. Breezepaw bit her lip. She wondered if this was true, but Spottedpelt took her word for it and continued pacing.


There was a weak moan, then silence. Spottedpelt stopped in mid-step, ears pricking up. He turned towards the entrance, blinking. The medicine cat apprentice looked towards it too. There was a couple pawsteps, then Lakesong's silver pelt appered out of the darkness. Spottedpelt looked her in the eye, his expression saying everything. She dipped her head, produced a weak smile, and stepped out of his way. He rushed into the nursery, his tail fluffed. Lakesong cast a glance at Breezepaw, flicking her tail as an invitaion into the nursery. Breezepaw's eyes brightened and followed Lakesong into the den.


Breezepaw's eyes met darkness. She blinked, trying to adjust. This revealed Goldenfur, curled up around three little bundles. Spottedpelt stood over her, his eyes shining. "I'm a father." he whispered. Meadowbreeze, laid in the corner, her stomache plump with pregnancy. She smiled, and purred. "Congrats, Spottedpelt." she said in her usual silky sweet voice. Larksong looked proudy at the three kits. "They need names." she spoke up, eyeing Goldenfur who opened one eye and nodded slightly. Blinking, she wrapped her tail around the kits, pointing to a light gray kit who strongly resembled his father. "This is Flaconkit." she murmured, softly licking Falconkit's head. He squeaked in protest, and Breezepaw giggled. Spottedpelt stared at a sleek brown kit. "And..she's Otterkit." he purred, lowering his head down to Otterkit. She mewed and sniffed him. One kit remained.


Breezepaw's eyes rested on the last kit. She purred. "And her?" the young cat asked the parents. Goldenfur pulled the white and brown she-kit closer. "Turtlekit.," she whispered, "Her name is Turtlekit." Turtlekit squeaked, pawing Falconkit in the face who mewed annoyedly. Meadowbreeze got up slowly, sitting next to Larksong. "The brown and white one.." she whispered in the medicine's cat ear, "Looks kind like a runt.." Larksong glanced at the older queen. "She'll survive." Lasksong purred, looking back at the Turtlekit, "She's a fighter."

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