~Chapter 6: The Lake~

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~Chapter 6: The Lake~

Morning arrived, and the three kits were up immeadiently to observe the camp after the attack. Turtlekit walked out of the nursery, sunshine hitting her in the face. She squinted against it along with her littermates. Blinking, Turtlekit looked around. Blood stained the center of teh camp. She shuddered, hoping that it wasn't cat blood. She remembered Pebblepaw, and raced into the medicone cat den without waiting fro Otterkit and Falconkit. Bursting in, she asked loudly, "Is everyone alright-" "Shhh!" Breezepaw hushed, glancing at Turtlekit then back at the wounded cats, "Lakesong is busy. You can be in here, but stay quiet and out if the way." Turtlekit nodded, looking downwards guiltily. Breezepaw's eyes softened. "You understand, right Turtlekit?" she whispered. Turtlekit nodded, looking up again. She noticed that there were only two cats in the den, Beepekt and Pebblepaw. She sighed in relief as she saw that both of them were alive and well.


Once Lakesong had finished dressing the cats' wounds, Turtlekit quietly walked up to Pebblepaw, who was resting with his eyes closed. "Pebblepaw?" she whispered, lowering her head to look directly at him. He opened his eyes, brightening at the sight of Turtlekit. Turtlekit smiled. "Are you okay? You were awesome out there! I wish I could have fought that fox with you!" "No you don't. But someday you will." he coughed, smiling a bit.


Goldenfur followed the three kits out of the nursery. Turtlekit breathed in, enjoying the sudden fresh air. "I heard you're going to the lake." Pebblepaw's words surprised her and made her jump. He chuckled as they started towards the exit brushing side by side. They reached it, but Turtlekit hung back. Pebblepaw turned. "You coming?" He mewed, confused. She smiled. "Yeah. Just give me a sec." He shrugged and caught up to the rest of the group. She breathed out, standing before the exit of the camp.


"This is it." Turtlekit thought, "My first time out of camp. It might determine my own destiny." she fretted. She sighed, closing her eyes and stepping across the border that separates the camp from Windclan territory.


The lake shimmered in the morning sunshine. Turtlekit stated at her reflection in the lake. She smiled, and glanced at her mother and siblings farther down the bank. She wondered where Pebblepaw was. "Boo!" The question answered itself. She jumped, and he laughed. "You're so easy." he joked, and she tackled him, laughing. They performed a mock fight, both giggling through it. Spottedpelt padded up to watch. "You two are pretty good." he meowed, amused. Turtlekit blushed and got off Pebblepaw. They stayed by the lake a few hours more, laughing and playing the day away. Pebblepaw and Turtlekit sat side by side as the sun set. It's reflection was upon the lake, creating orange, pink, and red water. A beautiful sight. Pebblepaw yawned and sighed. "I can't wait until you're an apprentice, we can train and hunt together." Turtlekit smiled. "Me too. It'll be....fun..." she trailed off. Goldenfur walked up to the two, surprising them. "Here," she mewed through a mouthful of mouse, "Eat before we leave back to camp." Turtlekit smiled as the mouse was dropped to her paws and her mom left. "Want to share?" she asked, facing Pebblepaw, who nodded. The night was upon them before long, and the group trotted back to camp. Yawning, Turtlekit climbed into the nursery. "The prefect day...." she thought satisfied, closing her eyes.


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