~Chapter 28: Preparations~

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~Chapter 28: Preparations~

The walk back to camp was wordless. No cat spoke. Everyone's mind was hard at work, their paws flexing in excitement for the war. Turtlepaw was excited too, but more worried for Mudkit and Ebonykit. "No cat should trust Volestar." she thought grimly.


As soon as the patrol entered camp, they were bombarded by questions from their fellow clan mates. "What happened?" "What did Thunderclan say?" "We're fighting...right?!" Larkstar simply ignored them, the patrol staying quiet too. Without hesitation, she jumped onto high rock.


"Cats of Windclan," Larkstar started her powerful speech, "we all know Thunderclan has kit napped two of our kits. And let me assure you, we will get them back! Thunderclan had demanded for more territory! What shall we say to them?" "No!!!" The clan excited screamed. "Riverclan is aiding us in the battle! Senior warriors, meet in my den to discuss battle plans and time."


Turtlepaw wished more than anything SHE could be one of the cats heading to Larkstar's den. She wanted to be contributing to the plans for getting the kits back. "Fighting for my clan is enough." Turtlepaw thought wretchedly. "Hey there!" Frogpaw's sudden presence made Turtlepaw jump. He has a skill of sneaking up on her.


"Aren't you excited for battle?" he mewed, beaming. "Sheesh, isn't abyone worried for the kits?!" Turtlepaw thought. "Yeah." She said instead ofannouncibg this out loud. He smiled. "We'll get Ebonykit and Mudkit back, don't worry."


Turtlepaw blushed. Was her fretting that obvious? Before she could reply, Larkstar reappeared, her warriors following her. Everyone's attention was snapped in their direction. "The meeting must have been pretty short." Frogpaw muttered.


Larkstar climbed up to high rock again. The full moon reflected off her silky brown pelt. "Plans have been made," Larkstar announced. Senior warriors will discuss them with you tomorrow. Get lots of rest, keep in shape, and remember to be on your guard. We never know what Thunderclan might be planning." With a dip of her head, the leader hopped down and returned to her den.


The clan stood around gossiping in hushed whispers, then started towards their den. Turtlepaw got to her paws, stretching and yawning. "I'm going to bed." she murmured, Frogpaw nodding and leading the way to the apprentice den.


Light shone through the den and into Turtlepaw's face as dawn broke. But it wasn't that that woke her up. "Apprentices! Battle training time!!!" Beepekt announced rather loudly outside the den, "Rise and shine!" The apprentices got up with a groan. Turtlepaw attempted to wash herself, but was pushed out of the den by a wave of eager apprentices.


Most of the warriors were already waiting by the camp exit. Turtlepaw groaned, predicting a long day of battle training. She had more important things to worry about, such as the kits and the prophecy.


The apprentices met up with their mentors, and the group set out towards the training area. Once they had reached the area, Beepelt stepped forward. "Here's how it works," he meowed, "I will match up two apprentices, which will mock battle. Their mentors will give them advice and tips. Now, everyone except Otterpaw and Cottonpaw to the side please."


Everyone followed Beepelt's orders, scuttling to the sidelines and turned to watch as Cottonpaw and Otterpaw faced eachother off. Otterpaw looked nervous, while Cottonpaw was the exact opposite.


"Go!" Beepelt's sudden order caused a wave of excitement through the crowd. Cottonpaw sprang forward, but Otterpaw dodged her outstretched laws. Cottonpaw recovered quickly though, and swiped Otterpaw's feet out from under her. She fell with a soft thud. Cottonpaw moved swiftly and pinned the younger apprentice down, but Otterpaw wriggled out from under her.


"Stop! Good job, both of you." Beepelt mewed. The two apprenticed sniled and went to their mentors to recieve infomation. This went on for the whole day.


Turtlepaw was quite bored by the time evening had arrived. No activity. No meetings. No announcements. No revenge. She missed Mudkit and Ebonykit more than anything. But not more than Meadowbreeze. The queen was put down for the whole day, and no matter what Goldenfur tried, she couldn't cheer her up.


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