~Chapter 17: A Mission~

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~Chapter 17: A Mission~

Most of the cats had recovered from white cough, in fact, all except one. Spottedpelt. Lakesong was running out of cat mint, fast. The moors simply didn't provide enough. She realized that at the pace the sickness was spreading, age would need more. A lot more. Falconpaw and Larkstar will already coughing, and Meadowbreeze said that Ebonykit had a cold. She would need another clan's help. Thunderclan of course was our of the question, Riverclan didn't have enough catmint to share, so that left only one clan to go to.


"All cats who can catch their own prey, gather under high rock!" The meeting was unexpected, and the clan cats all gathered under it, whispering to each other. Larkstar looked tired, and Lakesong sat next to her, her expression serious. Turtlepaw knew something was up, and she settled next to Frogpaw. "As you know, white cough and green cough have been spreading through out the clan." Larkstar's proud and strong voice boomed, "I do not wish to alarm you, but we are running out of cat mint." The clan gasped, muttering to eachother, but Turtlepaw kept quiet, pricking her ears, eager to hear more. "We must seek help from Shadowclan." Larkstar paused as her clan thought this over, "So. We must either cross over Riverclan or Thunderclan territory to get there. The answer is obvious. Lakesong will go, along with two warriors and one apprentice." The clan held it's breath to hear who would go. "Beepelt, Eagleclaw, and Turtlepaw will go." Turtlepaw jumped at the sound of her name, and her heart leaped. She was going on her first mission.


"Here are some herbs for the journey." Breezepaw pushed a bundle of them over to Turtlepaw, who refrained from sighing. She opened it up and started chewing in the herbs, hating the feeling they gave her. She swallowed with a shudder and stood up, giving her pelt a shake. Falconpaw and Otterpaw walked up to her, sad smiled on their faces. It was obvious the wanted to be the one to go. "Good luck." Otterkit murmured, brushing pelts with Turtlepaw. "Try not to let Shadowclan get the best if you." Falconpaw joked, nudging her shoulder. She smiled, and gave her pelt a shake. "See yah later." she breathed, catching up to the group.


The four cats traveled through their territory in silence, stopping to eat once. They reached the bank of the lake, stopping for a rest. Turtlepaw sat down, giving herself a quick lick. Beepelt stared up at the setting sun. "Let's get moving," He grunted, flicking his tail. Once at the Riverclan border, they waited for a patrol to come. After a few minutes, they heard rustling in the reeds as a patrol containing four Riverclan cats stepped out. Turtlepaw smiled slightly as she saw Squirrelpaw was part if it. They stared at the Winfclan cats, insure how to react. A black and white blotched she-cat stepped forward. Turtlepaw reckognized her as Kinkfur, who had supposedly competed with her sister Berryfur for the rank as a deputy, but wasn't chosen. Her blue eyes were unreadable but they bore pain and loss. "What brings you so close to Riverclan territory?" she asked, staying calm but flexing her paws. "Maybe we're just on a patrol." Beepelt tested her. Kinkfur snorted. "How stupid to you think I am? If you wre on a patrol you would be marking the border, not sitting there like rocks." "Maybe we already marked it." "The Windclan scent isn't fresh." Beepelt stood up, giving his pelt a shake. "You're correct. We aren't on a border patrol." "Then why are you here?" "Windclan needs more cat mint." "We don't have any to spare." Kinkfur said nervously, looking around at her clanmates. She had relaxed a bit. Lakesong stepped forward, dipping her head to Kinkfur. "We are asking for permission to travel across your territory to seek Shadowclan's help." Kinkfur frowned, but flicked her tail. "Follow me." she grumbled, disappearing into the reeds.


As the Windclan cats followed the Riverclan ones deeper into their territory, the ground grew muddier and the stank if fish became stronger. Turtlepaw wrinkled her nose in disgust, wondering how the heck could her friend Squirrelpaw live like this. Turtlepaw used to free, open grounds with soft heather for her paws, not a swampy, muddy place that smelled like fish. They traveled closer the the heart of Riverclan territory; their camp. She sighed as they entered it, and all the Riverclan cats looked up from what they were doing and flattened their ears. Turtlepaw felt uncomfortable as they weaves their way through them, heading for Reedstar's den. Reedstar appeared out of it, spying the Windclan group and unsheathing his claws. He jumped down, landing before them. "What brings you here?" he snarled, eyes gleaming.


Suddenly, a cream tom hurried over to the scene. He gad a distinctive scar on one eye, and Turtlepaw noted he was most likely the Riverclan medicine cat Salmontail. He stood in front of the Windclan cats. "It's okay." he said, glancing at Lakesong, "There is a medicine cat amongst them." Lakesong stepped forward, dipping her head to Reedstar. "Greetings, Reedstar," she mewed politely, "we come in peace with no desire to harm your clan." He relaxed a bit, loosening his shoulders and sheathing his claws. "Very sorry." he grumbled, "I've been a bit on edge ever since the gathering." He dipped his head to Lakesong, who smiled. "We ask permission to cross over Riverclan territory to Shadowclan's." He pricked his ears. "What business do you have there?" he asked, eyeing her. "Windclan is low in cat mint. We are seeking Shadowclan's aid." She put simply. He nodded. "Wise choice. Thunderclan hates you and we do not have enough to share." He dipped his head. "Very well. You will be escorted by our warriors though." He flicked his tail, and three warriors known as Silverripple, Mudsplash, and Toadfoot came forward. They eyed the enemy clan cats, still not trusting them. Lakesong dipped her head to Reedstar. "Thank you. We shall return this way too." He nodded, gesturing towards the exit. "Good luck." With that the four were escorted out.


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